BIG Steemit Meet-up Compilation And Experience 8/2/2018

Hey Steemian if you been following me recently then you may know I had the opportunity to attend another London meeting not long ago which was organised by the team efforts of @redrica @ultravioletmag and @teodora

Come Meet The London UK Steemians!!

Image By @allasyummyfood

I was lucky to make it to the event because I just randomly saw @redrica do a post on it a few days ago from when she originally posted it.

I didnt know if spaces were limited or what was the deal so I contacted @redrica and she told me to just come down to London if I could make it.

Sounded great but work often gets in the way of doing things I checked to see if I was working which I was expecting to be doing a shift but strangely I was off, yay this was good news so I told @redrica to add me to the guest list.

On the day of the event I had everything prepared.
I got up early and started completing my tasks to be done for the day.
Everything was done by 12 so I had plenty of time to still get there.

I left right on time but the bus I had to catch came extra early meaning I missed it and then what annoyed me was the following bus was extra late.... typical I thought, and I already knew this was going to make me late for the event.

Gif by @simonjay

Ok sure I could arrive at whatever time I wanted but I already knew some Steemians wouldn't be there for too long which is why I wanted to get there so we could meet before they left.

Anyway when the bus finally got to where I was getting off there was police car's everywhere and alot of traffic which put the bus at a stand still, the bus driver also decided he had to stick by the rules and only drop us off at the designated drop off point...

I was getting very annoyed by the time I got off the bus and quickly walked to the train, but luckily once in the train I started to make good time underground, but regardless I still knew id be late.

Gif by @simonjay

After switching a few trains I got to my destination but I still had to walk to the venue, on my walk there I already got distracted taking pictures I had only wished I had brought my better camera along with me.

Images by @simonjay

After the pictures and I must say a relatively simple walk to the Queen Of Hoxton which is where the Steemit event was being hosted I got ID'ed by security and they quickly let me in.

I couldn't see anybody at first nor any Steemit sign but this is mainly because it was relatively dark in the venue.

Image by: @teodora

I thought I recognised the Steemit table by its crowd but I didn't see any of the Steemians I knew so I was not sure plus I couldn't see @redrica anywhere.

I decided to go over to the bar to see if I recognised any Steemians there and maybe get a drink as it was relatively free of a queue and that's when I saw both @redrica and @colossus39

Image By @redrica

@redrica recognised me right away as this was not the first time we had met.
She also dragged me over to the table to meet fellow Steemians and ordered everybody to mingle haha love it good host lol.
Anyway everybody said hello and started to introduce themselves @adetorrent was one of the people I started having a conversation with he is a force behind alot of other video bloggers trying to create a huge noise about
Oh and he is also very good at it.

Image by @@@rimicane

@immarojas introduced herself and wanted a picture of my Steemit shirt lol.

Image By @adetorrent

@bristena94 also came up and introduced herself but I have to be honest things started to get a little nuts from there as everybody got so excited talking and mingling sooo much that @redrica was struggling to pull me away and some other Steemians to buy them their first round of drinks lol, the girl was on a mission!

But that my friends I think is a great sign of a strong community getting to know each other.

Also around this time @allasyummyfood and @ivargereiko arrived who I had met back at Steemfest 2 they also brought @ingaaa with them for kinda of her first Steemit event.

Was glad to catch up with them congrts to @allasyummyfood who is now a full time Steemian and it was nice to talk with fellow animal lover @ivargereiko

Image By @redrica

After I finally pulled away and @redrica accomplished her mission on getting me the first round of drink's I also done a quick video with @allasyummyfood in the booth which was the only place that was a little quieter.

Image by @allasyummyfood

I chatted with @gillianpearce for a good while about many different things on Steemit and listened to many of her opinions and ideas from a relatively new Steemian.

At some point the steemit crew decided to venture on upstairs for some food and boy I was I glad I did.

But it was not for the food, no instead because it was actually very atmospheric when upstairs you felt like suddenly you was completely somewhere else entirely, like in one great big tent made out of Moroccan tapestry.

Where the Hell are we!?

Crazy eh?

Not only that but once out of the tent type feature they had their winter rooftop set up going on, which included wooded seating, real fires and logs.

Once up there steemians started buying lots of food but me and @dragosroua got into a conversation about entrepreneurship and of course Steemit.

But it was really cold up there lol and we eventually decided to head back down.

Once there (its alot of stairs) I chatted with some more Steemians I spent a good amount of that time getting to know @immarojas better and the support that she still offers to Steemians back in the Philippines check out @steemph

Image By @redrica

It was also when I came down that Mr @nanzo-scoop was also in the house!
I was very happy to see that he was there to support the London Steemit crew meet up, but by not just turning up but by supporting @redrica and many of the attendees there, so cheers Tony.

Image By @adetorrent

Some of the Steemians still hadn't ventured upstairs and I recommended they should check it out before leaving.

Moments later because of the loud music and the need to chat we when back up and I had the opportunity to talk with @bristena94 a little more, not as much as I would of liked because it was getting late and we was eventually told the upstairs was closing.

So we had to go back down again, but I felt like @bristena94 as away of seeing the world and its people in a very beautiful way, she also seemed spiritual, open minded and welcoming.

Image By @adetorrent

As we got back down we realised many Steemians were missing so I decided to go for a walk about in the dance area in search of @redrica but instead was very quickly found by Rebecca and @ultravioletmag
During this time both myself and @ultravioletmag got drawn by the talented Rebecca who will soon show her skills here on Steemit.

We decided to eventually look for the rest of our Steemian group it was late and I know many had families who depended on them so I checked around the ground floor just incase they was still in the venue and couldn't find any other Steemians and assumed most must of gone home.

It was nearing my time to leave I stayed with @ultravioletmag and getting to know some of the other Steemians with her until I had to eventually leave to get the train.

Image by @ultravioletmag

At the end of the day it was a fantastic event I can say its right up there with Steemfest 2 except it was obviously much sorter, less intense, no speakers, and a much smaller group of people but none of these things are bad.

At Steemfest 2 due to the many many steemians its hard to talk with everybody, but strangely at this even with such a small group it was a struggle to meet everybody.

I say the venue was great and it could definitely be done there again but yes one big problem was the loud music but mind you its not as loud as some other places, but having the music I think was also great because it gave people the opportunity to dance and get into some tunes.

I guess if you really wanted to talk then simply go upstairs (yes many stairs) just dont go outside or it will be cold!

I think this event as more then just the capabilities of being good at representing the Steemians of London, and I believe what makes this so great was the wonderful, kind people who attended.

While many of us had sexy voices by the end of the night I wont say that this was such a bad thing lol.

@redrica @simonjay @dragosroua @allasyummyfood @ingaaa @teodora @bristena94 @ultravioletmag @galacticwoman @stevejhuggett @immarojas @lloyddavis @inkeles @gillianpearce @rimicane @ivargereiko
@nanzo-scoop @adetorrent @colossus39

Image By @allasyummyfood

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Images By @simonjay


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