How to use the bidbots wisely to ensure positive ROI for all. It’s all in your hand but you need to know how.

Hi everyone.

After I wrote & posted my first post regarding bidbots, (which I promoted using bidbots), I received all kind of comments. My interest in bidbots became more intense and I immersed myself with for a quite a number of hours. This is what I learnt from that stint. (I don't claim to know it all, as I am sure I am just at the tip of the iceberg but am eager to share my findings here.)

Here's the link to my previous post: How to get 40% to 50% ROI on Steemit - Fast Track for beginners

Turns out, it is not that simple to get 40 to 50% ROI, I was just lucky, maybe my timing was right.

So, in the following paragraphs, I will attempt to show you how to use the bidbots wisely to ensure positive ROI for all. The trick is so simple and its all in your hand but you need to know how.

  1. Write up an original post worthy of the steemit community & the whole world.
  2. Head on to
  3. You will find something on the screen that looks like this: ( you need to scroll a bit)

  1. Move the vote value slider accordingly. If you want to bid bigger amount, move the slider to the right. The bigger the amount the lesser the available bots.

  2. Click on the Orange “Action Button”

  3. You will see this:

  4. Click on details & you will see this. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.

Watch how the number changes: See above - after 4 bids, the curent ROI is 156.67% (after curation).

Now see what happen after 7 more bids: Current ROI REDUCES to 31.17% (after curation).

Basically, if nobody puts in anymore bids, everyone would have gotten 31.17%, everyone wins.

Now, see what happen at the end of the bidding round for @boomerang:

Another 7 more bids came in and the Current ROI became negative (-ve). So, the people who like to bid last minute, usually following the notification sent by spoiled the party.

This is what happened. ROI becomes -1.43% after the above 7 bids!

So for everybody to win, when you see the CURRENT ROI reaching a low %, say 30%, DO NOT BID anymore. Go down to the next bot below this bot & bid there.

It’s like queuing up for food which will be distributed equally among everyone in the queue when time is up. If the particular queue is too long and there is only a fixed amount of food but there are too many people in that queue (because they don’t want to wait a little bit longer for the next queue - they are too selfish - only think about themselves), then everyone in that queue suffers, everyone has less food, not enough to satisfy their hunger, not enough to meet their nutrition demand, etc, etc.

There are a few solutions that my little brain can think of. (I am not a programmer, so I really don’t know how to do this & I don’t even know if it is possible or not.)

  • (1) To the owner of @yabapmat, instead of sending out this profitable bidding opportunity which is usually misleading, (because this notification is sent even when the opportunity is no longer profitable), send out a notification that says: “bidding on this bot has reached current ROI of ____%. Warning, if you bid now, the Current ROI will reduce to lower value or to a negative value.”

OR simply a notification that says: “Warning! Unprofitable Bidding Opportunity! Don’t bid here. Choose the bot below this."

Unless of course, it is the aim of the bidbots to make us have a negative ROI, maybe, this way they get more returns - I don’t know enough about how the bots worked, so I cannot say for sure. But if this is indeed the game plan of the bots, then I will have to change my game plan too - I will not use the bidbots, I will delegate my SP to the bots, that way, I know I will always get +ve returns. I don’t even need to write any articles or posts, I just delegate my SP and earn at least 25% per annum. Such return is unheard of in the real world, so I am all for it. I only hope that this will not become a bitconnect case coz I was actually contemplating investing quite a big amount in bitconnect just before it collapsed.

This action point would be for @yabapmat, the owner/creator of
I have followed him and I have also voted him for witness. I hope he notices this post and hope that he would do something about the notification which I think will tremendously help many new bot users.

* (2) The other suggestion that I have would be for the bot owners to stop accepting any bid once a certain ROI is met. They could guarantee an ROI, say 30%, then when the current ROI reaches that amount, the next person is not allowed to bid anymore. This is even better than suggestion (1), because it is handled at the source. This way, every person who use the bot will have a good ROI. I think this will change the game - so now, to use the bot, one must be really patient and must queue up or wait for a good opportunity. But once the opportunity is ceased i.e one managed to put in a bid, then one is rest assured of a positive return.

This makes me feel like a long time ago when I was new in my job and I found out something that could be improved and I not only told my boss about it, but I wrote him a long justification for it and then my boss just tried to get me to drop the case although it was so obvious. At the time, I was baffled & even frustrated coz I did not understand why but as I mature, I now know that he did not want to change or improve the situation for some reasons and he was not in a position to explain to me or it was on a need to know basis. So maybe if @yabapmat and the bot owners don’t want to do anything about my suggestions (although it seems very obvious to my currently immature steemit mind), then, maybe they have a reason which I am not supposed to know until I become enlightened later on.

The difference between then & now is that I was paid then to do my job, while I am doing it for nothing right now. I am simply trying my best to contribute to the Steemit community.

Back to the matter at hand, here’s an example of a win for everyone. ROI = 50.46% (after curation)

And here's another great example of a big win - ROI = 123.99% (after curation)

There's plenty of opportunities & there is no need to fight for the bids. The bots keep coming back for their next round. So, if everyone queue properly, the profitable opportunity awaits.


I don't recommend using bidbots unless you are patient enough to wait for a good current ROI opportunity which could be difficult to come by. Bidding blindly without checking the current ROI could result in negative returns for everyone. There's no room for selfishness when using bidbots. Having said that, I am using bidbots while applying all that I wrote above.

Thank you & good luck & let's all win.

Other ways to earn at Steemit: ( It seems you can earn about 25% APR)

  1. Delegate your SP
  2. Sell your votes

You can do this at:

  1. Minnowbooster

  2. Smartsteem

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