So Many SteemIt Contradictions... I’m Completely Lost :0(

Is SteemIt as fucked up as it appears to be, or is it just me?


The dynamics of SteemIt are still a big mystery to me...

When I first started out, I was told to check out the trending posts regularly to be able to find out what kinds of posts had a chance to become successful.

Because I’m a good girl and listen to my teachers most of the time, I’ve been checking the trending pages every couple of days for the last four months, hoping to find a pattern of some sort. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you that I’ve found one...

Maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m missing some important factor which prevents me from seeing the full picture... or maybe there is no such thing as a pattern...


I see new people earning more than $100 with their good, but not exceptional introduction post, while I see introduction posts from people with loads more potential reach post payout without even getting noticed.

I read top quality articles every day, and often notice that these excellent authors don’t even get 5 bucks for their masterpiece, while screenshots of the CoinmarketCap website earn hundreds with ease...

Yesterday I came across a post from a guy with a reputation score of -17(!) and the counter below the post showed an amount that was way over $800...


The World upside Down...

For months, I’ve been working my ass off, trying to write articles that could be a somewhat valuable contribution to the community, never getting more than 6 or 7 bucks (if I leave out the ‘earnings’ I purchase from the bid bots) and a handful of comments.
While yesterday it seemed like everyone was going crazy over a very trivial article about watering plants. It got 109 votes, over 20 unique comments and got a comment and a resteem from @jerrybanfield

To be honest, this has made me even more confused than I already was, and I really don’t know how to interpret this.


So Many Questions...

Have I been wasting my time by trying to write (semi) in-depth articles? Or did I perhaps promote the trivial article in the right place at the right time and got lucky?

When I first signed up for SteemIt, I instantly realized that marketing was a very important factor on the platform.


After all, a good marketeer can sell shit to people, making them believe it’s worth more than gold.

But the contradictions on SteemIt are too extreme to say that marketing is the key. If marketing would be the big secret to success, this would mean that 60% of the people listed on the trending page would be better marketeers than all those professionnals I have met during my 15 years in the business...

Is it networking then? Sometimes I tell people that SteemIt is just like real life: it doesn’t really matter what you know, who you know is much more important.


When I use these words I try to think of it as a joke, but in my heart I know it’s closer to the truth than I want it to be.

It’s undeniable: the SteemIt system is just as fucked up as the rest of the world. (It would have been really weird if it wasn’t.) And for the moment, I must admit I’ve lost all sense of direction; I honestly don’t know which way to go from here.


I know this feeling of being lost will pass, just like it always does.

But for now... if you took the trouble to read all the way down to this sentence, then I’d really appreciate if you would be pointing my nose in the right direction, so I can keep going on...


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