Fifty-Word Fiction Frenzy: A Community Collaboration

Write the next paragraph in this story to receive all liquid payout from the post.

Recently I have been thinking about potential methods of bringing the community together and strengthening the bonds between us. I believe that through a shared sentiment of unity, we can guarantee the success of the platform and all of its dedicated users.

I took inspiration for this project from this innovative idea for a community written novel. Whilst this is an amazing idea, and one that I shall be participating in myself, I felt that it invites only those who have a keen interest in writing fiction.

I have initiated this project with the hope that it will attract all users-- even those that have little or no experience in writing, but want to be a part of something that is created by the community as a whole.

Here's How It Works

I am going to kick start the story with an opening paragraph that is around fifty words or less. Each of you can then propose a second paragraph in the comments section-- again around fifty words or less.

The community will decide the next part of the story by upvoting their favourite paragraphs. The next piece will be decided by vote count, not vote weight, so please be sure to vote for whichever you would like to be the next part of our story.

Whichever paragraph is chosen by the community will be added to the story in the next post, and the author will receive 100% of the liquid payout from this one.

Once the next part has been selected and the author has been paid for their participation, I will create a follow up post where I will write the following paragraph, and then the process will repeat as before.

NOTE: I will refrain from upvoting on submissions so that I will be able to use my vote to break a tie if two paragraphs have the same amount of votes when payout has ended.

Anticipated Questions

  • What Perspective Is The Story Going To Be Written From?

I feel that a first-person perspective would be the easiest point view for anyone to get involved in. Though there is a danger of the story lacking consistency if we utilise this method of writing, I think the upside of having the emotional input of so many different community members sounds very appealing. The story will also be in the past tense.

To any that may not know, first person is when the narrator is telling their own story.

Example; I couldn't believe my luck when I saw what had arrived in the mail.

  • Who Can Participate?

Absolutely anyone who is a part of the Steemit community can participate. It matters not whether you have written before. Just submit a short paragraph and your words could end up being in the completed story. If you have difficulty with spelling or grammar, perhaps because English is not your first language-- don't let that stop you. I will make any necessary amendments to the text or grammar before publishing it in the next post.

  • What Genre Are We Writing?

My opening paragraph will give the story a plot, but it is up to you where it progresses from there. It could end up a comedy, a romance, a drama or something else. I don't feel I have the right to decide as this is our story.

  • How Long Will The Story Be?

It would be good if we could finish somewhere between 5000-7500 words. However, the length will be dictated by the community. I do not feel it wise to aim for any particular length, as then the ending may seem rushed as we try to wrap it up on target. Let's just continue the story naturally and we will know when it is coming close to its end.

  • What Happens When It Is Complete?

Once the story is complete the plan is to distribute it as widely as possible. We will make it available for free on an as many sites as possible and promote it as a story written by the Steemit community-- so let's make sure it's a good one! I will also make an audio-book version for YouTube and I'm sure the community will put forth even more ideas on how to get it out there for the world to read.

  • What's The Title Of The Story?!

As we have no clue what this story is about yet, and we do not want the title influencing the community and hindering the creativity of those who will participate, I think we ought to wait until the story is complete and then vote on a title.

If you have any questions I didn't cover here, feel free to ask away in the comments section.

Paragraph One

Who would have thought that earning three million dollars could cost me so much. I had gone from rags to riches in scarcely a year, but I'd have given it all back in a heartbeat if it meant regaining all I had lost. Let me tell you how it began.

It was a total fluke that this ended up being exactly fifty words. Please don't feel that you have to aim for fifty as well. If you go over or under, that's completely fine. It's the content that counts.

Place your submissions(maximum of three per-person) in the comment section below if you want a chance to win STEEM, SBD and a place in the community's story. If you do not want to submit a paragraph, please upvote your favourite one below.

As this story is going to be associated with our community, we want it to end up as great as possible. Please resteem this post to raise awareness of the project and to encourage as many submissions as possible. That way, we have plenty to choose from and the story will be a lot better.

Follow if you would like to track the progress of the story.

All images are royalty free or created by me

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