Conspire To Inspire: Chapter 10 - YOU

This post is part of my book Conspire To Inspire: Everything Is Awesome When You Are Part Of A Team

Michael Paine @strangerarray

Copyright © 2015 Michael Paine

All rights reserved.

10 YOU

You are amazing. You might not know it but you have a story within your life that can help inspire others. You probably have shared it here with the #steemitcommunity and I hope you will share it with a reply with a link here.

And I want to be inspired by you.

Like I mentioned above I want you to share your stories with me about inspiration. I want you to think about who inspires you. See if you can come up with a list of 10 names. If you can't come up with 10 people that is okay. Just let me know the ones you do come up with. I want to know why they inspire you. Maybe it is not a who but a what that inspires you. Let me know what that is. See if you can come up with a list of what those things are that inspire you. What is it that gets you going?

Next I want you think of a time that you were struggling in life. A time that you needed inspiration. Let me know about that time. How did you overcome it? And what would you tell others to inspire them when they are struggling?

Please contact me on social media: Twitter @StrangerArray use #CTI or #ConspireToInspire.

Visit my blog.

The possibilities are endless...

Because you never know who you are going to meet...


The guide to Conspire To Inspire: Everything Is Awesome When You Are Part Of A Team

*Introduction to Conspire To Inspire

*1 Bob Goff

*2 Mel Robbins

*3 Dale Carnegie

*4 Simon Sinek

*5 James Altucher

*6 Claudia Azula

*7 Stefan Sagmeister

*8 Zig Ziglar

*9 Theodore Roosevelt

*10 You

*Parting Words

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