
Don't Even Think About It!

This is a quick guide for STEEMIT NEWBIES. It was only a little while ago that I first opened an account on STEEMIT.COM and became a member of the community. I did read the white paper and understood most of it but even then still felt unsure of my way around Steemit and the community. It has been mostly by trial and error, or the occasional reprimand and even down vote that has taught me the do's and don'ts here on STEEMIT. Unfortunately, as far I know of, there is no "Newbie Guide", so with that I decided to at least post a few pointers for all the recent newbies that have joined.

The 3 Don'ts

The first 2 Don'ts will probably be familiar to most if not all of us. DON'T #1 is to not Plagiarize. Obviously do not copy an article word for word and claim it as your own, but also don't write a one sentence post for a news story and then follow it with "and Here is the Link to the Story."

This is not Reddit, so try to discuss or articulate a thought in regards to the story or News article. Try to create quality content with the link to the story to be used more as reference. The same applies for pictures you include in your posts. Do not use the works of others' as your own in your posts. Try to include references, even for your listing yourself on your own pictures.

DON'T #2 is another obvious one; Not to SPAM here on STEEMIT. I was accused of "spamming" once because I posted a link to my blog in a reply I made on someones article. It was not even the author who down voted me, but another Steemit member. They told me that my link was not relevant to the story posted nor the conversation, and that by linking my blog in the reply I was spamming. I felt upset because all I wanted was a little attention (and an Up vote). But I realized that they were right in considering it Spamming. So Don't SPAM. Remember to be polite and courteous, and if anything ask first.

And DON'T #3 for all the Newbies is DON'T UP VOTE. At this point, if you are a newbie, you are most likely a "Minnow" in the STEEMIT "OCEAN" and have very little STEEM POWER. Since Minnows have little STEEM POWER, their up votes have "no weight" or very little and therefore likely not receive a payout. Since there has been a recent surge in STEEMIT subscribers with newbies growing to about 60K accounts, for many it's like the blind leading the blind. I have been seeing many newbies up vote until they use up all their Voting power. That is a lot of work and most if not all the votes are for nothing unless you have some serious STEEM POWER.

The One

Instead of wasting your time and energy on fruitless ventures, focus on this ONE major DO, that if done right will begin to yield you some STEEM returns for your time. This will then allow you to increase your STEEM POWER so that eventually, all your Up Votes begin to count and have a payout. For now, focus on reading good content. Notice the word reading in bold. I emphasis reading because it is the next step that will help you rather than hinder you. After you read the article with "good content" you can now reply to the article with an intelligent comment or question in regards to the article, especially since you read it. You can make an observation or simply mention something meaningful or insightful about the post. From my experiences it seems that most of the time I will get either an up vote for my reply from the author and/ or a comment. Sometimes it will even lead to a few replies that all then get up voted, and occasionally by others too. I receive many rewards for commenting and replying, and that is where you too will begin to see STEEM and STEEM DOLLARS. NOT by up voting until your votes run out.


If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know.
Full $TEEM Ahead!

My Top Blogs
- Intl. Manhunt Part II
- Becoming a Dolphin

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