Early Adopters & The Success of the STEEMIT Experiment; An M.I.T. Study on Technology Diffusion


The Experiment

Back in October 2014, the MIT Bitcoin Club took part in an experiment where all the MIT Undergraduates would receive $100 worth of Bitcoin. 70% of the MIT Undergraduates signed up for the program, installed a wallet and received their $100 in Bitcoin. The premise of the study was to see how technology diffusion is affected when naturally early adopters are truly early or delayed in using or accessing new technology.

70% of MIT Undergraduates participated, and 25% of those students were designated as natural early adopters due to their place on the sign up list, as well as by a survey that was conducted as part of the experiment to help ensure that these students tended to be early adopters of innovation. All the participating students where then randomly split into two groups, 50 % received Bitcoin early, and the other 50% were delayed in receiving their Bitcoin. The 25% of the students who were designated as “natural early adopters” were randomly selected to be in one of the two groups, early or late to receive their Bitcoin.

Why STEEMIT Haters Exist


The MIT Study goes on to provide results that show that the students flagged in the study as Early Adopters, almost doubled their cashing out of Bitcoin when their access to the technology was delayed. The trend of cashing out of the new Bitcoin Technology continued among Early Adopters no matter what control variables were tried in the study except one. When the naturally early adopter was isolated, and/or was unaware that he was “late to the party,” then the Early Adopters tended not to cash out of Bitcoin early.
I call these Early Adopters that reject the technology “haters.” The MIT study concludes that the reasons these naturally early adopters of technology “cash out” early from Bitcoin, or stop using new technologies is “social in nature.”(Catalini/Tucker 19) The argument against STEEMIT can be that it is a Ponzi scheme, or that “Steem was pre-mined” and is therefore a scam coin. Some of these arguments might have merit, yet there is no “Perfect” crypto-currency. Even Satoshi mined many Bitcoin before anyone else, and still has them locked away. Therefore, these types of natural early adopters that reject a new technology do it because “they aren’t the first ones” to promote or discover it. and therefore reject it and “hate” on the new technology with technical arguments. These naturally early adopters of technology reject viable new technology when they are not at the forefront or leading edge. It is as if the personal identity of these early adopters is lessened or damaged when they are not “leading the way,” and therefore they have no choice but to reject or “hate” on a new technology that they are behind on.

STEEM, It will Survive!

As of earlier today we, the naturally born early adopters of this new crypto-technology called STEEM, are 75,000 users strong. (SEE MY POST) There are a few naysayers out there against STEEM, but they are early adopters who’s pride will not let them follow the rest of us. According to the MIT Study, we, the early adopters, 75k strong, will lead STEEM to success. As early adopters we will not only help others acquire information on STEEM, but we will be an influence on how it is adopted by businesses and peers around us.
It has been put into question about how @dan and @ned started STEEMIT.COM. Some feel that it is a scam coin or that it will simply fail and fall flat on its face. This MIT STUDY reflects otherwise. The study concludes that if early adopters are delayed or kept from accessing an innovation in technology, that these same early adopters will reject the technology and influence their peers in the same manner. Since we are the Early STEEMIT Adopters at 75,000 and counting, we will be the ones positively influencing our families, friends and associates. If in the next 3 months, we each could encourage 5 people we know or are acquainted with to join STEEMIT.COM, that would mean 375,000 Steemit Users. If those new 300K users would get 5 more STEEMIT users each, that would be 1,575,000 STEEMIT USERS. The future bodes well.


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