An Invitation: Join Suzie's Steemit Club! Hang Out With & Support Indy Journalists

We can all get by with a little help from our friends!

Suzie's Steemit Club

Hey everyone!

As you know, some pretty awesome friends of mine who are fellow independent journalists, like @elizabethleavos, @caitlinjohnstone and @leecamp have recently joined Steemit, alongside @hagoodman and @theouterlight who were one step ahead of us.

We are reaching out to other awesome indy journos we know to bring even more people in, and so we can all easily intermingle I have started a Discord server for us to hang out at.

We plan to advocate to our large non-Steemit following to start Steemit accounts ASAP... and many already have! I've recruited about 40 people so far this week and between us we should be able to bring many thousands of new users to Steemit going forward.

Our Discord Server - jokingly titled Suzie's Steemit Club - is up and running, with a moderator (the awesome Blake from Internet Party who some of you may recognise from the 2017 Internet Party events), angel up-voters like @v4v4pid and @ausbitbank, and journalists like @an0nkn0wledge and myself as well as some of the aforementioned (and eventually all of them, and more!)

The goal is this:

  1. bring as many of our followers into the Discord as would like to be there (no Steemit account, no invite, so our followers from other platforms will have to get signed up in order to be a part of this!)

  2. coordinate the up-voting of these great independent journalists work, to entice them to increasingly migrate the bulk of their attention to Steemit with a long-term view of kicking Facebook and other legacy platform to the curb for good!

  3. have a general chat space where we can all interact with our followers and each other in real time

  4. have a link spam room where our followers can share their own posts and interesting links from all over the web with us and each other

  5. play really, really nice and have a great time!


if you would like to hang out with Elizabeth, Caitlin, myself and many other cool people on a daily basis, you are more than welcome!

All you have to do is click on this link to get added to the server, then send .001 Steem to my account @suzi3d (I will send it back afterwards!) to be verified as a follower and club participant.

Oh - and we also have a tips channel where the people who know way more about Steemit than me (which really isn't hard) can answer any questions you might have as well.

Update: a ton of people have already joined and the server is going great. You guys rock! Share this post around to keep growing our fledgling community!

Come join us, and have fun!!!


By Suzie Dawson

Twitter: @Suzi3D

Official Website:

Journalists who write truth pay a high price to do so. If you respect and value this work, please consider supporting Suzie’s efforts via credit card or Bitcoin donation at this link. Thank you!

Who is Suzie?

Read Suzie's Introduction On Steemit

Read, Upvote and Share Suzie's Most Recent Steemit Posts!

  1. My Steemit Post Goes Viral; Major Indy Media Joining Platform; Expect Flood Of New Users

  2. Lee Camp Is Joining Steemit And He's Not The Only One - Indy Journos Flocking To The Platform

  3. Episode 6: Finding The Hidden Gems In The Snowden Files #DecipherYou

  4. Episode 7: Finding The Hidden Gems In The Snowden Files #DecipherYou

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