My Steemit Post Goes Viral; Major Indy Media Joining Platform; Expect Flood Of New Users

Dear Steemians; I have come bearing gifts and a tide of great news. :)

My friend @v4vapid who has been wonderfully supportive of my little venture on this platform suggested that I write to you all and update you on the exciting progress that has been made in the last few days because it potentially has huge benefits for Steemians!

Yesterday, a few things happened that spell really positive news for everyone who has invested time and love here on Steemit.

Firstly, I published this post. It was the first time I have written an article directly on Steemit rather than one of my other publications. It then went viral, outperforming publications like NBCNews, The Hill and even the White House website! 15,000 hits so far but definitely needs some more love from people within Steemit because 95+% of the traffic came to Steemit from sharing on other social media platforms.

Secondly, I convinced the incredible Australian writer @caitlinjohnstone to come back to Steemit. Her work has been often shared by Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. She is witty, prolific and a lovely human being. Please check out her introduction post here and her other posts since. She is very worthy of our support.

Thirdly, I have begun using all my other social media and publishing platforms to convince my audience to start Steemit accounts. So far 25 people have taken me up on it and registered. I am hoping that in the coming months, I can bring thousands of new users to the platform. Likewise, if Caitlin does well here and also encourages her audience to join, we can bring many more thousands of users.

Already @hagoodman is here, @theouterlight is here, and collectively us independent journalists with sizeable non-Steemit audiences will be reaching out to other major names in independent media and asking them to begin publishing on Steemit as well.

This should have a really positive impact for the community as a whole and contribute to the ongoing success of Steemit.

Just wanted to let you guys know because I heard you like good news like this :)

Thank you so much for all of your support of me on this platform so far, I particularly appreciate it, particularly @an0nkn0wledge who is a wonderful friend and @ausbitbank who bailed me out on some extra SteemPower yesterday so I could complete the article that went viral. You guys rock!!!!


By Suzie Dawson

Twitter: @Suzi3D

Official Website:

Journalists who write truth pay a high price to do so. If you respect and value this work, please consider supporting Suzie’s efforts via credit card or Bitcoin donation at this link. Thank you!

Read, Upvote and Share Suzie's Other Steemit Posts!

  1. Suzie's Introduction On Steemit
  2. Glenn Greenwald and the Irrelevance of Electoral Politics
  3. FVEY vs Kim Dotcom
  4. Understanding World War III
  5. Just As Intended: The U.S. Election Is Tearing Us To Shreds
  6. Someone Is Lying To Seth Rich's Family About Kim Dotcom
  7. Diary of a Person of Interest - Full Documentary on dTube by NSA/FBI target Suzie Dawson
  8. The Agenda To Destabilize Europe
  9. Finding hidden gems in the Snowden files: DecipherYou Episode 1
  10. Finding hidden gems in the Snowden files: DecipherYou Episode 2
  11. Finding hidden gems in the Snowden files: DecipherYou Episode 3
  12. Finding hidden gems in the Snowden files: Decipher You Episode 4
  13. Finding hidden gems in the Snowden files: Decipher You Episode 5
  14. In Plain Sight: Why WikiLeaks Is Clearly Not In Bed With Russia
  15. 10 Reasons The Dutch-Russia Hacking Story Is Fake News
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