Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the KING of "follow for follow" failure...

The other day I wrote a little bit on the rash of "follow for follow" users that have recently appeared here on Steemit.

Since then I found a profile that blows past all of my other examples in terms of proving that F4F doesn't work, so I want to share it with you now.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you @edtorrez - the KING of follow for follow failure! :D


Ed is following 12,420+ other users and he has 2,358 followers.

Yes, that's right, 2358 followers!!

He must be making the big money right?

Not at all. Most of his posts come in at UNDER $0.50!

Go ahead and click on his profile and see for yourself.

Are those the rewards you would want for over 2,300 followers?

Clearly none of these people followed Ed because they cared about him or his content, and clearly establishing a bunch of fake connections got him nowhere.

h/t @hotandrandom

So if you're new to Steemit and you're employing an F4F strategy, now you know to stop doing it because you're wasting everyone's time, especially your OWN!

In fact, if you are a "follow for follow" Steemit user please go to your profile right now and unfollow every single person in your list, and start again.

It's never too late to get it right!

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