My entry to the "Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 16"

I'll mark the end of my brief pause on SteemIt with my 12th entry for the Pay It Forward contest hosted by @thedarkhorse.

The rules are very simple: Feature 2 High Quality Original Content Blog Posts from Steemians with a reputation score of 55 or under.


It's amazing how I don't run out of artists to present in this contest. With this kind of talent appearing everyday, the future of SteemIt looks bright!

#1 - @escfrancis (44)

@escfrancis is a 21 year old Plastic Arts student from Venezuela. She started posting in SteemIt only 2 months ago, but I can already tell she has a very creative mind.

Knowing the situation Venezuela is in, I hope she sticks around and can find an extra income in this platform.

So far, she's been posting a few drawings, but yesterday she presented us with a completely different artwork. It's a collage. A very beautiful one, and that is the post I'll be featuring from @escfrancis.

Conectando materiales en un Collage: Detalles y proceso.


I believe this work is nothing short of spectacular and I love the time and effort that @escfrancis has put not only on the work itself, but also on her post, where she shows a long and well explained step by step progress, including the use she gave the various materials.

(It's in Spanish only, so if you can understand that: good... If not, you always have Google Translator.)

#2 - @marzukie (53)

If I had to bet, I'd say @drowkeudrow and @marzukie know each other. I mean... What are the odds of having 2 artists/firefighters here, at SteemIt, both from Indonesia?

@marzukie has been posting in SteemIt for almost a year now. And his drawings are great and very colourful, and just keep getting better and better. I feel very attracted to his interesting style.

The post I'll be featuring from @marzukie (53) is a wonderful and vivid work of art, as well as a submission to an contest called Art Explosion: Mythology.

Art Explosion Contest, theme: Mythology


I love this drawing. It seems like there's a clash of feelings, such as good vs evil, probably because of the blue and red colours used in the face and the wand. I find that pretty amazing.

@marzukie includes a very detailed step by step progress on his post and he does it twice, in English and Indonesian.

I hope you liked these works as much as I did. Please don't forget to follow and support them.

If you want to join the contest, here's more info about the "Pay It Forward" contest.

My previous participations are here:

Curation Contest - Week 16 of Paying it Forward

@trincowski signing out.

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