Day 2: The Key To Posting & Commenting (30 Days Of Steemit Success)

I have been delegated 1,000 SP to help new Steemonians find Steemit Success. Over the month of September I will be posting daily about different strategies, tips and tricks to help you become the best Steemoninan you can be. Let's start at the beginning.

Day 1: Getting Started With Steemit (30 Days Of Steemit Success)

Day 2: The Key To Posting & Commenting

It is your second day and you've explored and even posted your first post introducing yourself, but now what? How do you start making new friends, getting followers and start making money? It is easy. There is one trick, a secret that all the Steemit greats understand and apply to everything they do... what is it?


The key to posting and commenting is in the value you offer.  Let me say that again...  The key to posing and commenting is in the value you offer. What you bring to the table. 

When you are replying, don't just say... "great post". That doesn't have any value. Instead offer some wisdom or words of encouragement. If you make the writer feel good, that is adding value to his or her life. If you complement the writing and the points that the writer made, then that person will appreciate it and is more likely to vote up your comment. When people vote and give you money, it is because they see value in it. 

Find great ways to add value when you reply and you will start seeing your account value go up as well. If you read topics you like from people that have a high net worth in their Steemit wallet, then if they find value in what you say, you could earn a nice amount of SP and SBD by just replying.


When I first got here, I spent a ton of time replying to people that had a ranking of over 65.  I was making at least $3-$10 a day just off of replies. Instead of posting a blog and hoping the right people see it, I instead spent a lot of time replying and adding value in order to comments on a whale's blog. One upvote from them made me $8 and caught the eye of whales in my first few weeks.

The same thing applies when you post blogs. Here is an example I gave on a previous post that I think makes this point perfectly.

I'm not going to click on a post that says... "Eating bird poop can actually be good for you." Why am I not reading that? Because it doesn't add value to my life. I'm not going to eat bird poop no matter how bad the situation becomes.  Plus I don't want to see pictures of people eating bird poop.
I will read the post that says... "10 Crazy Ways To Survive During The Zombie Apocalypse."  Why? It sounds interesting, and outlandish. It has a high entertainment value and I could possibly learn something. A win, win. The thing is, the bird poop information could be one of the 10. And that is the trick with value...Everything can have value if presented right. Everything you do or experience can add value to someone else. The trick is finding a way that you can present that valuable information in a way that other people will find value in it. 

From post - Add This One Thing To All Your Posts And Watch Your Steemit Value Skyrocket

When you are blogging or replying, if you focus on adding value to the readers then you will win. Find ways to make your words inspirational, educational or funny. Remember that entertainment value comes in all different forms.  Find ways to add value and you will win on Steemit.

Today's Question

When people reply to your blog post, what kind of comments do you upvote?

The best comments will be 100% upvoted and added to the eBook for 30 Days of Steemit Success.

Thank you for reading Day 2: The Key To Posting & Commenting.  This blog is part of a project that @dragosroua and @alexvan are supporting. I am deeply appreciative of their support for my project. The 30 Days of Steemit Success will be a series of blogs posted daily on Steemit to help new Steemonians. All of the blogs will be put together to create an eBook that will be available for download in October for all Steemonians for free.

To my followers, you add value to me by just being you.

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