My Best Steemit Advice For New Steemonians Explained With Gifs

I've been here almost two weeks and I can honestly say I am making money and it is awesome. When I was new, I didn't have anyone showing me tips and tricks... I was just out here all alone...

But I knew that if I focused I could make money on the computer using Steemit, so I dove in and tried to figure it out.

When I got serious, I learned a few things. The most important thing to remember trying to be successful is to put in the work. Not just on Steemit, but anywhere. It takes time and hard work to really be able to have Steemit pay your bills.

I quickly realized that you can make as much money in rewards from commenting and upvoting on other people's posts as you can creating great content to post on your blog. Have good conversations and you will be rewarded.

Try to find people that have high rankings, follow them and read their blogs and comment with a thoughtful response. Don't just kiss ass, but give good feedback. If they do a good job, tell them.

When replying, don't leave one word answers. The better replies get more votes. Plus if you get on a popular post early, a lot of people could read your reply and you could get a lot of votes.

When you go to post a blog, this isn't Instagram, don't just post a picture. Put some text, tell us about it. The better content will rise to the top. I know it is frustrating that some great pieces get lost when you first start on Steemit. 

Your piece just never got enough eyeballs to really pick up any steem, but keep moving. The more followers and more respect you get, the bigger the rewards. If you put out good content consistently, it will come back to you. If you put out bad content, bad things will happen.

You can do it, it takes some time, but if you balance out your effort with posting good quality blogs and replying with great, informative or funny comments then you will succeed. It will just take a little time.


Good luck new Stemonians. Hit me up with any questions in the comments and don't forget to follow, vote and resteem if you like this. 

Also if you want to help me feed the homeless with an upvote, go here.

Have a great day and thanks for reading.

* - All gifs from

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