So. Much. Discord.

It appears that a lot of people are moving to a different chat platform right now...and I'm loving it!

A few of the folks from and Steemspeak have decided that their new home is in the realm of Discord.

For those who have not yet joined, I highly recommend doing so. Why?

Because Discord is awesome.

Don't get me wrong, I love - I still use it, and I don't see why it necessarily has to go anywhere. There's just several points of functionality to Discord that fills a few different needs. I like to think of it like another city within the country of Steemit.

When you join, you'll have the choice of simply connecting through your browser, or you can download the Discord app to install as a standalone program. Once joined, you'll be able to join any channel you have the invite link for.

Here are the 5 channels I'm on:

1. Steemit Talk Podcast

Podcast Alien

Of course, I can't even imagine making this post without first mentioning the one channel I'm an Admin of along with @sykochica, @giftedgaia, and @quantumanomaly. This is the channel where we do our weekly live podcast, and we've been trucking along for a total thus far of 14 episodes. We've used Discord since the beginning to interact with our live audience which has steadily been growing.
Seeing people come over to create their own Discord channels has been awesome. We've been here for a while, so it's like we're getting new neighbors!

When we're not doing our podcast, we are still pretty much always on our Discord channel. Come join us!

2. SteemSpeak

Here's another one I like to spend a lot of time in. There are a ton of Steemit users on this channel, and some incredibly talented and intelligent ones at that. Some of the usual suspects in this room include @fyrstikken , @pfunk , @contentjunkie , @blocktrades , @proctologic , and occasionally even @ned .
Just spending time listening to the voice chat on this channel is an informational resource in and of itself, and when @ned comes on and joins in, it becomes a mass gathering. This one is a must.

3 & 4. The Steem Venue & The Steem Pub

These 2 channels are a development from the previous room called "TheSteemitBar" which is helmed by @beanz and @the-ego-is-you . Highly recommended.
As per @the-ego-is-you himself,

I run the Pub with the help of beanz and she runs the Venue mostly by herself, but without meddling with the channels
Steem Venue is to be more open ended, unmeddled with
Steem Pub is to be more moderated, but just to get the spam out and allow a good conversation
Right now we have a few handpicked "Special contributors" in there that provide specific posts as a service to the channel members

See @beanz 's post, "The Steemit Bar is Getting an Upgrade & Moving to Discord! (Instructions & Tutorial inside)", to get the rundown.
The Steem Venue:
The Steem Pub:

5. SteemTrail

I just joined this one, don't know much about it as of yet. It is, of course, linked to "SteemTrail", which was introduced by @instructor2121 . The post titled "Instructor2121: SteemTrail An Introduction. A project funded by tdv.witness" can provide information into that initiative.
It appears that it may still be under construction, but it looks like it's loaded with different chatrooms. I'm anxious to see what will come of this one once they've got it polished up.

So that wraps it up for this list. I hope to see everyone over there.

For a great tutorial on how to get Discord up and running, check out this video by @beanz .

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