To upvote or not to upvote - that is the question!🙃

It's a funny old thing, but although I've had quite a few replies to some of my posts (such as @xaero1/ethereum-ta-where-was-the-triangle .. nearly 500 comments!), not all of them seem to be related to technical analysis! (Btw, thanks for all the replies!!!!!)

So, I'm scratching my head a bit about why this could be...but maybe it's in some small way related to the fact I upvoted some posts of people who replied previously?😋(after reading and liking their posts, I hasten to add!😀)

Now, this is all well and good ;) - but it does make it a bit difficult to see the wood for the trees!!!!!

So, I thought I would write a post outlining some options that came to mind (Originally, it was going to be just: vote, or not vote - but I thought of some more.. :) )

Option 1: upvote!
Continue to randomly upvote posts if I like them (assuming I get a chance to go through the backlog of all the replies I haven't even got a chance to read yet!)


Option 2: don't upvote!
Don't upvote any requested posts (even if I happen to have already seen, and liked them!)


Option 3: use a bot!
Either write my own bot or delegate to an existing one. Probably not going to be very intelligent decision making however! (Rather like early computer game AI ... I.e. just use the rand() function! ;) )


Option 4: rent out/give out my steem power!
If I rent out and/or delegate out my steem power (quite likely to more responsible voters, too!), then I can simply say: Sorry, gov! I have no money steem power to vote with! Also, it could be a way earn a better return, if there's enough demand😁


Option 5: ragequit, sell all my steem power, and go back to Facebook!
The drawback with this option is all my jokes will typically go down like a lead ballon, and my posts would likely get no replies (and of course earn no money!)😢


Ok, maybe that one is too violent - so - here's another ;p


So, which option should it be? Or maybe there’s one I haven’t thought of yet!

DISCLAIMER: This is not a serious post! Well, ok, it’s semi-not-serious - I am really interested in any views / comments / helpful suggestions about this issue!

The other thing is that in my articles about TA, I requested a few times that it would be helpful if replies could stay ‘on-topic’ ;) So, logically, I cannot say that any such similar replies are ‘off-topic’ in relation to this post! Does this count as irony? 😂 (In other words, maybe this 'meta' post could partially serve as the very answer to the question it poses (but I’m not entirely sure on this!)😀)

P.S. I just wanted to say a big thanks to @karensuestudios for the awesome work in creating my avatar (Thanks!!)

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