Steemit Key Indicators

Businesses use Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to measure performance. I am going to use the key indicators of Steemit to devise a method to help you measure and control your efforts


What is a KPI?

Key Performance Indicators will help you to measure your performance and if you are succeeding in what you are trying to achieve.
To formulate your KPI's you need to define your objectives and how you want to achieve them.


S.M.A.R.T stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound.

  • Specific
    Have you specified you goals? For example, become a dolphin within a year by investing/earning 10,000,000 Vests.

  • Measurable
    Is there a way to measure your progress? For example, do you have a timeline where you can follow you progress towards the 10 million Vests?

  • Realistic
    Is the thing you are trying to achieve realistic or do you have to lower your expectations? For example, maybe becoming a dolphin within a year a bit too optimistic but 2 years may be doable.

  • Relevant
    How relevant is you KPI to you achieving your goal. For example, Let's say one of your KPI's is getting a 70 Rep. You have to ask yourself how this will help your endgame.

  • Time-bound
    What is the Time-frame for achieving your goal? For example, are you planning on becoming a whale in 5 or 10 years?

Defining your KPI's

To define your KPI's you must ask yourself the following questions.

  • What am I trying to achieve, what do I want the final outcome to be?
  • Why is this outcome important to me?
  • How am I going to measure my progress?
  • How can I change the possible outcome?
  • Who else can influence the outcome?
  • How will you know that you have achieved your goal?
  • How often will you review progress towards the outcome?

For example, let’s say your objective is to gain 5,000,000 Vests this year. You can call this KPI Vests Growth KPI. Here’s how you might define this KPI:

  • To increase my Vests by 5,000, 000 this year
  • Achieving this target will allow me to have more influence on the Steemit platform
  • Progress will be measured as an increase in Steem Power measured in Steem cryptocurrency
  • By increasing the amount of posts per day, by extra promoting my posts, by joining a project designed to help minnows get more visibility
  • Whales and dolphins have a significant impact on my earnings
  • I will own a total of 8,000,000 Vests this year (just an example)
  • The KPI will be reviewed on the first day of each month.

Get even SmartER

To be totally on top of things you can also add Evaluate and Reevaluate into the mix. This means that you are constantly assessing your KPI's in relevance to your end goal. For example, if you've exceeded your Vests target for the current year, you should determine if that's because you set your goal too low or that maybe other factors are influencing the outcome.

Let's say that your KPI is not based on Vests but dollars and the price of Steem suddenly goes up from $1 to $10 (if only!). Then you should reevaluate your KPI and change your objective accordingly.

Have you defined your Steemit goals? Let me know in the comment section.




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