
howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!

Yes I know, what kind of a lame title is that??
Never thought I'd be writing a post about a chair.

Well in case you haven't heard of the Engagement League put on by
the excellent @abh12345, I went into it last week having won it 8
weeks in a row. But this week I was beaten by a marvelous member
who is fairly new to the League, the great @ecoinstant.

Who in the world is that guy you ask? Good question. No one knows
for sure. Know one even knows where he's from..I think he's from all
over. We know he owns a coffee farm in Columbia of all places and
the guy is a Madhatter who is seemingly everywhere on Steemit so
if you haven't seen him will.

Perhaps to your betterment, perhaps to your detriment, you'll have
to be the judge. lol. So anyway back to the contest. Afterwards sir
ecoinstant put out an urgent plea for help. Not for him but for ME!

It all started late one night while we were talking about the contest
and I told him that I was hurting all over. I mean my back was
hurting, my neck was hurting, my rear was hurting, even my
shoulder was hurting! All because of my broken chair:

Painful lookin ain't it? So the great ecoinstant put out this urgent plea
for help, asking everyone to pitch in so he could buy me a new chair.
lol, I know right? this has to be a joke.

But his reasoning was that because I was beaten in the contest with a
loss of honor and with my self esteem in tatters(lol, these are his
words!) that it was basically unacceptable to keep working in this
painful way and a nice chair would help me recover from my loss.

here is the link to that post, if you haven't read it it's one of the
funniest things I've ever read. The guy's a mad genius.


So what happened next is typical of this platform with people from
all over steemit donating votes to cover the cost of a new, strong,
padded, comfortable freaked me out and has left me
speechless and so thankful to be a part of this community because
even though this was a joke, people were still willing to give to this
"noble" cause! lol.

I want to thank you all for your generosity. There are too many to
name here but a special thanks to @jaynie and the Steemitbloggers
family for their support and to @goldendawne and
@happymoneyman who both stepped up and offered to cover any
amount which was not raised in this effort. I kid you not!

Where can you find such class but on Steemit?

So this effort is going on this week, it's very moving and funny at the
same time. A couple days ago I hear something outside which made
Jack sit up and go to the window. here's Jack:
jack (1).jpg

Well no one comes down our private driveway unless they tell us first,
here's the driveway:

I mean this is rural Texas, you don't go down private driveways. I go to
grab my gun and hear a vehicle leaving so no threat there so I tell Jack lets
go see if anything is going on. Low and behold..what in the world is
this? Nobody ordered anything so what's a big box doing here?

Oh, bytheway, our mail lady has permission to come into our
driveway if she wants to.

here's what I saw:

Can't be an image of a chair on there..can't be! This whole thing that
ecoin was doing was just a joke.

Besides I didn't give our address to anyone!

But there is was and here it is:


This thing is built well too, Texas strong! triple braced, the back is
padded and secured with screws instead of a light weld which break
easily. The cushion is so nice! Jack really approves too:


he even tested it out

But that's not all because the box had TWO of them in it! Now I have a
back up chair. The only problem is I might get too comfortable and
fall asleep in it. The other chair was tough to work on but the pain
kept me alert, at least that's what I told myself.

But that's in the past, now I can boldly move forward to attain new
goals on Steemit! I don't know how to end this post but to say a huge
thank you to my new friend @ecoinstant who is a total maniac!

But also a beautiful, compassionate, brilliant, and positive force
that this platform is significantly enriched by! God bless you sir!

And thanks again to everyone who contributed, you know who you
are and I am very humbled by your support!

God bless you guys!
-jonboy Texas
the gentleman redneck


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