STEEMIT Culinary Challenge # 3 : Smoothie Showdown

This week, we're having fellow Steemian - @gringalicious as guest judge and because of that, I gave her the liberty to choose this week's theme plus this week's submission of entries has been adjusted to her time zone - UTC -3 and the criteria for judging has been changed so do scroll till the bottom to read about it.

Those who would like to be a guest judge do post a comment below or direct message me in the steemit chat, I have the same account name there.

A THANK YOU shoutout for theSteemit Culinary Challenge Logo to @oaldamster!


Cite sources if you just got your recipe from the net!

Here are a few ideas to help you come up with your Smoothie. Click on the blued words.

Your Smoothie Showdown Entry should at least be made up of a MINimum of 5 ingredients and a MINimum of 5 photos.

Title your entry this way : "STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE #3 : Title of your Dish" .

Tag your Smoothie Showdown Entry post with #steemitculinarychallenge, #food-trail and #steemtrail.

TAKE PICTURES OF THE STEP BY STEP PROCESS YOU TOOK because unlike other recipe blog sites, in Steemit - we over deliver.

ONLY ONE ENTRY per participant would be counted so submit your very best! If you still submit more than one ONLY YOUR FIRST ENTRY would be counted.

Post a link of your entry in the comment thread or in the steemitculinarychallenge chat channel -

Deadline of Submission is no later than Sunday at 12 midnight UTC -3


To make sure that your work is yours and is not plagiarized or copy pasted from the internet and to make sure that we won't be rewarding a thief DO ONE OF THESE:

a: Have your picture taken holding the recipe you've cooked.

b: Have your Steemit badge or the paper that says STEEMIT+ date +@yoursteemitaccountname on each of the picture on your entry. The picture should be laid on top or next to your dish entry to make sure it wasn't just photoshoped. Remember, @steamcleaners and @cheetah would go after you.

c: Write your Steemit name on each picture to claim it really is yours.

BE ORIGINAL! Encourage everyone to help in counter-checking - your co-participant's work. If you find someone's work elsewhere shout it out tactfully.

WINNERS would be announced as soon as everything has been checked.
Announcement of winners would be in a post. I've decided not to set a certain day to announce winners since we both know what happened the last time. Please take it into consideration that we also have a life outside Steemit.


Don't forget to THANK AND FOLLOW our sponsors for supporting the Steemit Culinary Challenge.

1st and 2nd prize sponsored by @smooth

1st prize - 30 SBD
2nd prize - 20 SBD

3rd prize sponsored by @razvanelulmarin and @wingz
3rd prize - 10SBD

Criteria for judging:

ORIGINALITY is based on owning your recipe and how related it is to the theme. It could be passed on to you by your nana or ancestors and if has a clone recipe elsewhere which is inevitable - be sure that you've changed it and made it YOUR OWN version. Recipes that have been copied and are already existing on the net would not get any points on originality to make it fair to everyone who's doing their best tweaking or making their own version of a recipe.

SUSTAINABLE INGREDIENTS is about being able to use ingredients that are available everywhere and could grow or last for the whole year to give anyone who would look back at your recipe a chance to do it. Remember, everything stays in this block chain and we want to leave a legacy for future users. Make that legacy worth looking back at!

NUMBER OF UPVOTES is the number of Steemians who upvoted your entry not the amount your entry have gathered.

DOABILITY is very important. Make your recipe presentation idiot proof to make it re- doable. Gather extra points for posting you recipe step by steps and spice it up with your OWN photos with your picture on it or your STEEMIT badge if you must!

FOOD STYLING is mainly on how you presented your recipe. Challenge your excuses - if you can shoot the step by step process do it. Steemit is going world wide so let's make Culinary Challenge reader friendly for non - English speakers.

OVERALL PRESENTATION is about having your post professionally published. If you have borrowed the recipe else where in the net or you have tweaked it but it already exist in the net, don't forget to write your sources. Extra points for posting well edited and entries that talk as if the reader is being walked through the process.

@dresden, @juanmiguelsalas and @nelyp are willing to help translate recipes from Spanish to English. If you ask them for help, don't forget to reciprocate.

GOOD LUCK and will be looking forward to submission of entries! Help make this a SUCCESS for everyone. We all know that each entry would pop out on the Culinary Challenge. If you see any co - participant's entry coming short on the MUST DO LIST kindly let them know so no entries would be wasted .

For the announcement of winners and updates about the status of this challenge.


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