Age/Steemit reputation is only but a number

Being a teacher trainer, there are times where I have to go to primary and secondary schools to teach. I do have to also demonstrate new and innovative ways to teach, that's why you may come across some interesting lesson plans. They have all been tried out and have been great. I'll share it at the end of the page.

However, I want to talk about one experience I've had when I first became a teacher trainer. The culture that I'm in does have a habit in prioritizing age over merit. The first time that I've entered into my institution, I was told that I was too young, too inexperienced and too idealistic.

Image taken from

Fast forward seven years, I've enjoyed every bit of my teaching career thus far. Today I think what I write would resonate with all those who are new on Steemit and who are new to teaching. I would like to share a little bit of how I teach and hopefully, you can use this experience to help you in your teaching journey as well as your Steemit journey.

Never give up

The moment you start listening to those who tell you that you are not good enough, is the day when you will be not good enough. Believe in yourself and never give up, you will have bad days where the class goes horribly wrong and complaints are hurled at you.

But, push on, you'll see success one day. The best success I've seen so far is not in the positions I've attained at work but seeing my worst students graduate. Their success drives me, you may not see success today, but one day, you will.

If you are new to Steemit and have not caught that break, never give up, it ends when you stop trying. I aim to put up one post a day and I know someday I'll succeed.

Image taken from

Push the boundaries

One thing that I've learnt throughout my career is that pushing the boundaries is difficult but often times, it reaps the best rewards. Try new radical ideas in the classroom, try out new games, new lessons. It is through this that you learn how good you are and how much your students are capable of.

Push the boundaries on Steemit, it is through trying, experimenting that you'll find your niche and ultimately your very own recipe for success. One thing great about Steemit is that it is one of the least toxic and most supportive places for one to push the boundaries on their ideas and posts.

Learn from the best

I spent most of my time learning from researchers in education and education coaches. Its through knowledgeable people where one can really find new and better ideas. Its always better to learn from those who have been through it first and are willing to share their recipes of success with you.

On Steemit, a big shout-out to @hanshotfirst, @teammalaysia and @sndbox, these are the places that I've learnt from and have been equipped with the knowledge I need on my journey on Steemit.

Final thoughts

I have had difficult times in my career as a teacher, I write not to boast of my achievements but with a sincere hope that this reaches those who are having a hard time in teaching and writing. If i can leave you with one thought, it will be this:

Teachers are the gardeners of an enormous orchard, it will take time to harvest, the pruning, planting and growing is tedious. But at the end, you'll reap the rewards. I hope that your journey as a teacher and as a writer on Steemit will bear fruit soon.

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Be blessed.

A great animation to teach writing

A gamified lesson

Using Scattegories to teach


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