These 4 quick tips will help you learn anything faster and retain more information. My favorite is the first one, who would have thought!
1. Play video games!
You heard me right- video games make you smarter! It's been the go-to bane of parents everywhere for years, but those hours in front of the console playing Call of Duty and Super Mario Bros have made you a better learner. Recent research proves students and adults who regularly play video games learn faster and retain more, and perform better on spatial tasks. So power up the Playstation and tell Mom it's to help you get into Harvard.
2. Tell Me About it!
Or anyone. Explaining what you are learning to someone is one of the best ways to cement the information in your own brain. It activates new neural pathways and helps you to refine your understanding. If you don't have a human to teach, even explaining it to you dog helps!
High Intensity Interval Training- for your brain! Just like you would do during a workout- alternating two minutes of super high intensity training with one minute of rest- but with studying. Study intently for twenty minutes then get up and don't think about it- do something else like make a cup of coffee or play a video game for ten minutes. Repeat. You will learn 30% faster and memorize more facts.
4. Brighten it Up!
Take notes in different colors. Alternate a few lines of red, then a couple in green, the next set in purple, etc. The brain will be energized by the constant change of color and will not grow bored. This is one of the most effective learning techniques I am thankful I learned my training week at my first real job with a large publishing company. It works well with dull information!
This explains why early leaning is so colorful! Kindergarden and first grade rooms are so bright. So why on earth do classrooms get so dull and beige as the child grows older and must learn and retain more information?
Remember to use one or more of these before your next test, or when memorizing lines or info for a job interview or promotion. I use all of these and they really work!
Happy learning Steemit!
![shaded line.jpeg](
Images via Giphy and Creative Commons
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