Funding Education with the Blockchain, Update Post #2: Final Totals!

I want to begin by saying thank you once again to everyone who helped make this possible.

If you read my post last week, you saw that both of my wife's initial Donors Choose projects were funded thanks to a matching initiative that ran last week to commemorate their 1,000,000th funded project.

Thanks to generous liquid donations by several Steemians, I was able to make a donation to complete the first project and secure the funding for the wobble stools! You can read the full details and see the transaction confirmations here. We are still waiting on the wobble stools to arrive, but for now, here's a picture of the books that arrived to my wife's school this week:

After waiting one week for a few posts to pay out, I'm proud to announce the final totals that were raised thanks to the generosity of users across the platform.

Adding a 1 STEEM donation from @jeanlucsr, the grand total was 65.964 STEEM, which was rounded up to 66! After using @blocktrades to convert the 66 STEEM to Litecoin and selling the Litecoin on Coinbase, we ended up with $271.53, and I added the $12.22 leftover from the first fiat conversion for a grand total of $283.75!

Knowing this amount, we planned to create another Donors Choose project, however, since I wanted to be able to use all of the funds generated by this initiative on her specific classroom needs, we decided to simply purchase the items ourselves from Amazon in order to avoid several fees that Donors Choose imposes for processing and a 15% donation suggestion in order to help them fund future projects. Projects on Donors Choose cannot be fully funded unless they meet the entire goal, including the fees and extra donations.

While this does not leave as solid of a trail to prove the donation, we will be filming a video of us unboxing the materials once they arrive in order to show that the funds did indeed go toward the resources for her classroom, which include three more wobble stools and several more books. (full list below)

Here's the transaction history:

This means that throughout the entire initiative, we raised $425.39 for my wife's classroom on the STEEM blockchain!

That's absolutely incredible. I want to say thank you to everyone who took the time to upvote, resteem, or comment on any of the three posts listed above. Thank you again to those who gave liquid donations. I wish I could send personal letters of thanks to all of you, no matter how big or small your contribution. Please know that you have made a huge difference in the lives of 24 students in the United States.

If you'd like to hear my wife and my personal words of thanks, listen to the first minute of my latest podcast. We are so incredibly grateful for how the community came together to help us with this project.

Moving Forward

Since this project was so successful, I am going to blog about other projects that I can support through Donors Choose for other schools in my area. Keep an eye on my blog for the next volume of Funding Education with the Blockchain. I can't wait to use Steemit to support many more education projects in the future. If you have any questions about this process or would like to make a contribution to support future initiatives, just comment on this post, or find me on Discord (ethandsmith#7991) or (ethandsmith).

Thank you all again so much for your support! I can't wait to share photos and videos with you of the resources when we receive them!


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