Questions With WolfDawg Episode 4 (A 7-Year Old Answers Questions From The Steemit Community).

This is Week 4 of Questions with WolfDawg.
This week we had 4 questions and I added one to make it five questions.
The questions are kept to a maximum of five to keep the video at approximately 5 minutes in length. This week's video went a little past the six-minute mark as WolfDawg had a lot of input.

Questions For This Week

  • @aunt-deb If you could visit anyplace in the world, where would you go and why?
  • @moondancer762 Why do we need money in our society?
  • @moondancer762 Why can't we have a society without money?
  • @siriusgaia What do you like most to do with your daddy?
  • Today is Canada's 150th Birthday. What gift would you send @barrydutton and why?

Submit your questions for WolfDawg to answer every Saturday below. 5 questions will randomly be selected each week.

This is a life project for my son to learn responsibility and to learn how to earn money by bringing value to the community.

75% of post-rewards go to him(25% to savings) and the other 25% will be used for a family trip or family present(of his choice).

The percentages are to teach responsibility and to give him a better understanding of where a person's income truly goes each week.

Thank you for joining us!

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3


Article explaining inspiration

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