Steemit Photo Challenge #32, "Tree", Entry #1

I'm in the middle of a photography project documenting my lenses, and I see the current photo challenge subject is "trees". So since I just put this photo through the editor, I figured let's put it up for others to see.

It is shot with the original Super Carenar MC ƒ=35mm 1:2.8 lens that I sadly didn't find any info or data by Googling around. All I know the lens was likely purchased with a Fujica ST605N film camera in 1978, along with it's 135mm big brother and a 55mm Fujinon lens.

This is easily the most difficult lens I've used to date. I will be finishing a review along with tips and shots possibly during this week.

But no more talk. Here's the photo:

Salix fragilis 'Bullata'

Body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Super Carenar MC ƒ=35mm 1:2.8
Shutter Speed: 1/2000s
Aperture: ƒ/4
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

Terijoensalava a.k.a. Pallopaju (Salix fragilis 'Bullata') is a Finnish ball-shaped Crack Willow that thrives near water, riverbanks being its favourite growing places. The tree is named after Terijoki, a Finnish municipality that was annexed to the Soviet Union in 1944 after WW2, present day Zelenogorsk since 1948. More info, sourced From the English speaking Wikipedia:

"From 1323 to 1721 the Zelenogorsk area was a part of Sweden. It was ceded to Russia in 1721, becoming "Old Finland", which again was united with the Grand-Duchy of Finland in 1811. Until 1917, Terijoki was part of the Grand-Duchy of Finland, ruled by the Grand Dukes of Finland, who were the Tsars of Russia, (1812–1917)."
"When the Republic of Finland gained independence on 6 December 1917, Terijoki became a part of it, and remained so until it was occupied by the Soviet Union during the Winter War (1939-1940). It was regained by Finland in 1941 during the Continuation War (1941-1944), but then was then occupied again by the Red Army during the later stages of the same war and annexed to the Soviet Union in 1944."

It's a nice big tree, but of course it is winter time here so the tree is kind of naked right now.

[Previous post: Did you see this back then? "Be an artist, right now!"]

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