Steemit Photo Challenge #32, "The pier, some frosty trees and boats", Entry #2

This morning, when I had taken my boys to school and kindergarten I was greeted with much sunlight, such bright I needed to put some sunglasses on. Wow! Anyway, see how the trees are nicely frosted. :)

This photo was also shot with the same Super Carenar lens I used to immortalize the Crack Willow in the previous entry. I'll need to shoot this one again, so that I'll have a full image, since I had to cheat a bit and crop this one. (My fingers were frozen so I shot it from the car.) Tomorrow morning I'll be sure to wear mittens so I can do a walking crop. ;)

I think I'm definitely putting the lens through its paces, and I feel like I'm learning. At least I am already a bit more confident using it. I got some good ideas from a Sony mirrorless photographer I met Yesterday at Miro's pre-school friend's birthday party, and with him showing me how he shoots manual lenses on his camera, I realized I can use the Focus Peaking feature on the Magic Lantern software to do focusing much faster than I had previously been able to. I wonder if Sony took the focus peaking idea from Magic Lantern or other way around.

Anyway, here's the photo:

Pier, frozen trees and boats
The pier, some frosty trees and boats

Body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Super Carenar MC ƒ=35mm 1:2.8
Shutter Speed: 1/160s
Aperture: ƒ/11
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

I still need to edit the last photo in the set, but I guess I can manage to upload it before the tomorrow's deadline.

[Previous post: Steemit Photo Challenge #32, "Tree", Entry #1]

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