SteemitPhotoChallenge – Flowers: Entry 02 – Purple Klover

These lovely purple klover buds grow in the vineyards some hundred meters from our house...

Shot with my iphone SE

Stay Steemed and steem on!

Love, Unity & Abundance


Some other recent posts of mine:

SteemitPhotoChallenge – Flowers: Entry 01 – First a rose then to alt-J
Fridayblue – alt-J concert in Cologne – Taro
How to celebrate an anniversary – alt-J live concert surprise :: Wie man einen Jahrestag feiert – alt-J Überraschungskonzert
Birthday Berry-Cupcakes :: Geburtstags Beeren-Cupcakes
Avocados with Pomegrenade-Hempseed :: Avocado mit Granatapfel-Hanfsaat
Raw Recipes: Mango-Chia-Almond Creme
Everything is in the eye of the beholder :: Alles liegt im Auge des Betrachters
Wie Fitzcarraldo und Werner Herzog den Berg besiegten – Entrepreneurship auf die extremste Weise :: How Fitzcarraldo and Werner Herzog defeated the mountain – entrepreneurship on its extreme
Chinakohlsalat mit Granatapfelkernen und Orangen-Zitronaigrette :: Chinese cabbage salad with pomegranate seeds and orange-lemonaigrette
Polyphasic Sleep Experiment Challenge – Day 1: first issues :: Polyphasisches Schlafexperiment - Tag 1: erste Herausforderungen (Vlog #01)
Bist du Warmduscher oder Kaltduscher? 6 Gründe für eine kalte Dusche :: Are you a mollycoddle (warmshowerer) or a cold showerer. Weird translation! Are you taking warm or cold showers? 6 reasons for taking cold showers from now on
Laber nicht rum, mach's einfach! - Don't blabber, do it baby! [German] :: #01: Neue Fertigkeiten: Akkordeon - new skills: accordion

Thanks @scrooger fort he great text dividers!

Also Many Thanks @jamtaylor for hosting this awesome #steemitPhotoChallenge!

Also Many Thanks @kalemandra for hosting the also pretty dank #colourchallenge!

and also thanks to everyone who supports my work in terms of followers, upvotes and resteemd! Much appreciation!

And don't remember a music video a day keeps the doctor away!

This time alt-J with Dissolve me

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