SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry #63 Landcape competition - Layers -

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Dead Horse National Park

...if you happen to be traveling through Moab, Utah, I cannot recommend this place enough. Off the beaten path a bit, away from Arches and Zion, I ran across this gem thanks to a bit of Googling. While you're going to wait forever for a camping spot in any of the other nearby wonders, it was super easy for me to find a spot. I wasn't able to nab one of the cooler ones by the rim until my second night, but when I did...

Let's just say sitting at the edge of a deep canyon late at night with nothing but whispers of wind to keep you company and not another soul for miles is awe inspiring. Eyes open or closed, your mind still flies among the stars, overwhelmed by the scale of everything. The immensity of the world, how small we are on its surface, how as a species we're gripping tightly to a tiny rock hurtling through space. How fragile everything really is and how important it is to be an active part of the world to make sure things don't get worse.

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We're an island in the middle the vast sea of space. We need to take care of what we have lest we suffer the consequences. Our resources are limited. Our specifies still shortsighted. Our future is real peril.

Taking the time in a place like Dead Horse National Park, or really, anywhere in nature separated from our daily life and technology, helps us see that. But, more and more we're going out less and less. Trapped by the system our species created. Sprinting wildly for a goal that keeps pace with our desires. Unreachable.

Me, I'm just happy with being alive. That in itself is a miracle.

Both images shot on a Canon 5DMKIII.
Two entries for the SteemitPhotoChallenge
Thanks @jamtaylor for hosting this contest and helping to build a better community!

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