Memories from abroad

taiwan 10.jpg

I've now gone through another thousand pictures or so from my 2010 trip through Asia back to the U.S. from Japan. So many memories as I go through the images. It's quite an amazing thing. It's interesting to see the different things that catch my eyes in the images, how even then I had a particular way I looked at the world.

There's definitely a lot of chaff. But, heck, I'd just gotten started in photography back then. My buddy Joe had drilled me on all the technicals, but nothing had really prepared me for a cross world street and photo blog. How does one look at all these different places, all these different cultures, all these different people? How does one capture what it feels live there while being at a distance of a visitor?

So many challenges, ones I didn't even realize. The blessing of being ignorant at the beginning. The raw energy of someone trying to figure out their part of the choir. How to sing, without fear of judgement.

I believe this was sho in Laos. Or Thailand...not 100% sure. Going through lots tonight, hehe.

Hope you enjoy this image!

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