Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #5

I will like to call it testimony time as I respond to: How Steemit Changed My Life. This #steemitultimatechallenge contest was put up by @dobartim (Dr. Great Success) for Steemians to share the positive impart the Steemit platform has had on them. This is my entry submission for the challenge as put up by @dobartim. This contest gave me reason to make personal assessment of my journey so far within the Steemit community, and I appreciate @dobartim for giving me the opportunity to make my steemit audit known.


My Steemit journey started mid December 2017 when @theheralds told me about it on phone. I couldn't fully understand the possibility of the explanations @theheralds was giving then about the idea of earning through making posts, commenting on other people's posts and liking (upvoting) their posts but I decided to give it a try. I remember making my first post after hearing him on phone, guess what? It was seen only by me I think, haha. @theheralds looked up my post, gave me a call and practically guided me on what I needed to do, starting with my introduction post. I did that and kind of messed up the tags. Haha. I love learning and is ever willing to take corrections. Being a natural introvert (if there is anything like that), I usually come on Steemit, read a lot of posts, comment weirdly on some, leave my little envelope in form of my 1cent upvote and absorb what I read in order to implement them someday. And that is what I have been doing for the greater time I have spent on the Steemit platform. I can't say if it's laxity on my part or just the desire to keep learning new things everyday but I know inwardly that it is more of the latter than the former.

My nature as an introvert has been eroded by my exposure to the Steemit ecosystem and I love the erosion so far. I always want to be remembered for some good impact I made on People's life. Hence, I choose to leave my 'footprint' in people's life in form of little kindness to them. I am happy the Steemit community is providing me with a lot of avenues to reach out to as many people as possible with the little ways I am able to do so. One of such things I was able to accomplish with my highest earning on Steemit through a post I made on my #steemitcrush contest put up by @ramengirl then was using the post payout to buy a water tank for a couple I noticed have a serious need for that in my locality. To see the post that earned me more than half of the amount I used for the water tank, please click here. I have also donated to @youarehope foundation to support the numerous humanitarian services they are doing around the world. I think they will welcome your supports if you can partner with them in affecting people's life positively through your donations.

Me looking over the water tank I got from my Steemit post earning.

I mentioned earlier about my willingness to learn. My learning process here can not be complete without my mentioning the Behind the Scene family that has literally tutored me on adding some lustre to my posts. #thealliance family are doing some great works on me and others, by educating us on how to be better Steemians. Among the things I have learned from them is that of giving back to the community. This giving back to the community from what I learnt from #thealliance, can be in form of quality comments on people's posts, upvotes, resteems and even donations. I am happy #thealliance family supports @youarehope in their charity works. Anyone can be part of #thealliance family by applying.

The erosion of my introvertness made me to make myself available for steemit meetups. These meetups has afforded me the opportunity to meet other young Steemians with a lot of potentials up there sleeves. I met walking brains, haha. That is, very intelligent Steemians with a lot of Potentials to showcase to the world. I had little knowledge about cryptocurrencies prior to my exposure to the Steemit ecosystem but I have got to learn at least the basics on how cryptocurrencies work. I also learnt the great potentials the Steemit blockchain has when I learnt some criteria used to ascertain the potentials of a cryptocurrency from . I am happy @theheralds who co-hosted the meetup through his support from @steemsoccer1 got me my customized Steemit shirt for the event.

Me and my sister @nellyprecy at the meetup.

I used to be just my 'own bestfriend' before I came on board the Steemit ship, but I am happy to meet a lot of Awesome people here. I believe everyone has something to offer, may be not presently but eventually. Thus, I have an account waiting for approval @candlelight4all. This account, I want to use for a lot of Steemit education activities in the coming months, to educate people about the platform and the endless opportunities it offers. @candlelight4all will also collaborate with other charity organizations to bring some sort of relief to the needy within various climes.

I would have loved to go on with the Changes Steemit has brought to my life but I feel I just got here and has not even started seeing changes yet, owing to the endless possibilities I am yet to tap from here. Thus, I will like to stop my 'combinations of letters' to form this post here. I know @dobartim wants it to be at least a thousand words long, but sorry if mine is short of that as I was not counting my words as I type but is flowing from my heart and I feel my Steemit story is still gathering Steem. I will likely have a better story when I have a slider for upvotes, haha. Come to think of it, I think not having it now is not too bad because I may likely abuse it by upvoting virtually every post. My kindness can make me go hungry so that others can eat. The joy of solving other people's problem keeps me going.

I thank @dobartim for this opportunity, the #steemitultimatechallenge is really inspiring lots of persons. Thank you too for the discussion on discord through voice session, the Steemit school put up by you is affecting the lives of !any Steemians currently and has what it takes to change the Steemit ecosystem for good. Hence, I will suggest to any newbie or old ones alike, who may want to take in more knowledge to pay a visit to the steemit school on discord. The school is filled with lots of people with different interesting ideas. Also, I will like to encourage all who have had fun experience here on steemit to make an inspiring post about it with #steemitultimatechallenge tag, you may not know who you will be inspiring to achieve great things. To join the #steemitultimatechallenge contest, see the original post here. I love and appreciate #thealliance family more each day for their love and care. My steemstory will always have them in it.

My sign out message to new Steemians like me is:

The journey to succeed on Steemit may not be smooth but the overall experience is worth every effort to it.


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