Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #5 ~ My Steemit Journey: Guided Here by Spirit!

Rick and I.jpg
A recent snap of my handsome chap! ~ et moi.

The following is my entry to Week #5 Steemit Ultimate Challenge. A challenge indeed! Being run by this fine fella @dobartim You can read more about this fab gig HERE.


The following is my true story.




My route to Steemit has been circuitous.


It is as if I have lived many lives with varying degrees of varying success.


I am 52 years old.

Here, is my tale.


As a child I had several memorable and peculiar interactions with the spiritual realm which completely freaked me out. And so, as most would, I hastily slammed the door shut on unseen realms.

It was only in June 2016 that the spirits came calling once again.

Apparently, I was finally ready to communicate with them without fear.


I now realise that I was meant to be psychic from day dot. My destiny was always to be a conduit for the unseen.


A free spirit in the truest sense I have always refused societies rules of engagement. A challenging child I made my Mother weep. My Father, bless him, remains confounded to this day; I am the crap in his hat! I won’t even bother to tell you what my brother thinks of me.

I used to tell that my childhood was normal – with age comes wisdom and the realisation that normal comes in many shades, of many hues, of many colours.

Suffice to say I was comfortable, loved and encouraged.


All was kinda ok until I graduated from Art School and strode out on my own. Naïve I was vulnerable to those with less than noble intentions.


I didn’t marry well.


And, after eleven bonkers years, got divorced with toddler son in sole charge.


I no longer worked as a Graphic Designer in London’s Covent Garden but often visited my illustration agent and clients to pick up briefs and deliver completed work. My students, at The London College of Printing, were successful and my paintings were well received and selling in London galleries.

Money though was problematic. Invoices remained unpaid and bills mounted up in dusty corners.

I rented out rooms in my house and started to buy and sell old stuff, vintage, before vintage became an overused word and cliché for stylish toot.


Then I met a French fella and we moved to France where, together, we became antique/vintage dealers extraordinaire. We were magnifique - life was fun. We were happy for nearly nine years until, just days after my fortieth birthday, Franck told me we were finished.

My son and I were quietly devastated but decided to remain in France.


Life continued. As the divine plan continued to unfurl.


I continued to successfully trade upcycled French finds to prestigious London clients until the UK financial crash in 2008. Literally overnight my turnover plummeted a hefty 60%. It never recovered. Finances were sticky and boy and I were reduced to rummaging, in the back of fluffy drawers, for errant coins to buy a baguette for tea.


I needed a new means to pay my way, outside of the system, which did not compromise my anarchic ideals nor clip my wings.

Despite valiant efforts I did not find this until 2017.


It was on a grizzly Sunday afternoon in January 2009 that I met Rick online. The lad, who was only just a teenager, was out and I was seated at my desk in the lounge. The Godin crackled and the dim room filled with the faint fragrance of burning wood. I idly clicked profiles of British men who caught my eye. Having had a few unfortunate encounters with foreign chaps I had decided I should return to my roots and bag myself a Brit!

Stumbling upon Rick’s profile I remember being intrigued. I was disappointed to see that he was in The Midlands, Derby. Thinking it unlikely that we would be able to meet when I was in the South of England on one of my selling runs I continued browsing and clicked several other profiles. Until a niggle, intuition, guided me to repeatedly push the browser back button and then send Rick a virtual wink. Within moments he replied.

Things moved speedily and after several unconventional, extended dates Rick moved in with us; following my reckless and highly unreasonable ultimatum;

”Move in now or we are finished!”


And, in the unseen realms, the spirits celebrated having despaired of ever getting Rick and Linda together after my off piste move to France.


Rick was psychic and came with his spiritual team in tow. Weird and wonderful happenings became a normal occurrence in our peculiar lives and slowly I came to know, through him, some of the wispy characters who regularly visited.


A thousand words leaves little wiggle room for convoluted tales. So, I will gloss over the intervening years. Fast forward to today, whizzing pass years spent in Spain, Bulgaria, heartache, loss, love and laughter without a backward glance.


Suffice to say, Rick and I were always destined to be together in this lifetime. His mission was to help me to fulfil my true psychic promise and purpose. Through my natural gifts I am encouraged to speak my truth and spread high frequency energy – that’s love folks, in all its many guises.

Steemit is part of this grand plan!


So, incredibly it was Spirit that drew Blockchain and Crypto to our attention - and ultimately led me here! For they are forward thinking sprites and love technological developments which have the potential to make our world a better place for all.

For years I have diddled around online. Search my name and a trail shows me weaving my way to Steemit’s door via social media, online stores, blogs and websites.

Heck, I even did a stint as a Virtual Assistant to a Life Coach who, whilst raking in the cash, was morally skint!

Since 2008 I have often joked;

”There is little I cannot do except restore my autonomous financial security.”


Blockchain, crypto and Steemit are gamechangers.


Along my way I have learned that nothing is by coincidence. There is a plan in place and even if we deviate from this, through exercising freewill, there are auspicious energies working in the background for the greater good of one and all guiding us back on track.

We are not here by accident - divine timing is always in play.


Finally, with a little/lotta help, I have found a way to survive, shine bright, continue along my way and serve others into the bargain.

Can’t be bad!


With Love.


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I invite you to check out my recent posts. I'd sure love to hear your thoughts :

Where I compare Steemit and Spirituality HERE.

My particular brand of no nonsense spirituality HERE.

A piece in which I cobble together a whole lotta wisdom! HERE.

A controversial piece about some of the Art contests I see here on Steemit ~ ART DEGREES HERE.

What is a Lightworker, and are you one? HERE.

My Entry for Jerry Banfield's Supernatural Writing Contest HERE. (Well worth a read even though I do say so myself!)

Essays on Love HERE.

My Life as a Vintage Dealer HERE.

What is Manna? ~ Manna is money evolved.

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