#STEEMLORDS : Dragon Pooling to Himling and Picking up a lil somethin somethin : The Chronicles of Baroness Bearone the Dazzling


And so the duo flew off into the night sky bound for Himling.

"We're off to a late start. I bet most of them are there already. But let's just fly over Crete and see if anyone needs help."

Shadda tilted his head as if to nod in agreement and shifted slightly bearing towards the island of Crete.

The sun was beginning to rise and below she could see a fleet of Pirate ships flocked by ginormous sharks. In the far distance a typhoon was brewing. She could feel Shadda constantly adjusting himself as the wind got stronger and stronger.

Worried, the baroness said "Shadda, maybe we should stop at Crete for a bi.... What's that?!"

In the distance she noticed what looked like a giant wet seal sitting on the shores of Middlesteem, as they got closer.....

"F.me Shadda! Is that @Deveerei?!!"

Shadda immediately dived down to the beach to embark on a possible rescue mission.


"Yo Dev!!! DEV!!!!!"

"Baronesssss!!!!!" he exclaimed, followed by a body sigh.

"I was hoping you'd find me!"

"Did Sir Knight send you a message too?"

"Yes! I was heading to Crete.... Ohh allriight.. I was running late OK. And things happened next thing you know, I accidentally killed Sir @Phelimint & Sir @Silvernova - but its OK!! I revived them!! But I'm minus an owl and I don't have any ink left." he cried out, not really making any sense.

"Rough day huh?" I said with a sad face :(

"Wanna come with? We're doing a fly by to Crete, then straight to Himling. But we better leave now or we might get caught in that typhoon."

Shadda leaned down to allow them to climb on and waited until they were both ready before he set off for Crete.

By this time the typhoon was nipping at his wings, he knew he must fly like a leaf in the wind and soar. In no time, they gained distance from natural disaster and wouldn't you know it, Crete is within sight.

"Oh! The Dwarf Trade Guild are here!" said the baroness excitedly.

"Let's find a spot to land."

She was hoping to run into them.

They often deal in black trade pipe weed. The best in the lands apparently and with the whole "trying to get sober" thing going on she was getting a real hankering for some good ole pipe weed. Sister is indeed in need.

Speaking of sisters where the bloody hell is her BFF Princess Loki? Boo has been missing for weeks. If she was around I surely would have averted the Lord Percy "Incident"....

She ran off quickly, casting the thought out of her mind, her bag in tow she strode off towards the port, leaving behind Dev to keep Shadda company.

As she neared the square-ish vessel she noticed a familiar figure towering over the dwarfs, smoke billowing around him as he blew out of his pipe. Is that...?


"Sir @Silvernova!!! Oh my goodness! I'm so happy to see you!!"

"Baroness Bearone!" he crooned as he bent to kiss her hand.

OOoo Looks like we have ourselves another charmer.

Ohh hell nah girl (the inner dialogue began). Remember Lord P.... Yeh shut up!

"I was hoping I'd run into you Baroness. I had heard about you recent run in with Lord Percy and your stint at Sober Town." he said with a wink.

"Sober Town. That's cute." - rolls eyes

"To think I was worried about you! I should have known you'd land on your feet."

"I am now! I've been having a nice relax, smoking some pipe weed.." he said in a very chilled and slow manner while blowing out smoke ships, smoke unicorns, smoke dragons (the mans a smoke artist).

"Pipe Weed! I could use me a lil something something myself. Sharing is caring?" she hinted

"But of course!" he said as he reached into his pocket for a small bag, and while grinning at her wide eyed excitement, he tossed it over to her.

"I have something for you too!"

She untied the knot on bag and pulled out one of the Ambrosia bottles and presented it to Lord Silvernova with pride.

"This my friend is one of the best drops on the planet. Please approach with caution." she said half seriously.

Now thinking about it, she should have said it full seriously. Who knows what he will do or how much pipe weed he's already had. Unfortunately it seems the typhoon has caught up and it was time to go again.

"Lord Silvernova. I hate to love you and leave you, but that typhoon has been on my ass all day and I really don't think I can handle bad hair day on top of no booze. Farewell! I'll see you at Himling!"

With that she sprinted off feeling excited to finally be going to her last stop and of course there's that black trade pipe weed to be had later that night.

She waved at Shadda and Dev. They were already ready to go and were just waiting for her to get back.

Shadda saw the typhoon coming from his vantage point and knew the Baroness will be back shortly and would want to take off as quickly as possible. He was surprised at how she's handled the day.

"I don't think she even knows she's done 24 hours now" he thought proudly.

"Thanks for much for waiting you guys." she said hurriedly as she climbed on.

"We have to go!"

Will they ever get to Himling?

What happened to Baroness Bearone's BFF Princess Loki?

Follow #STEEMLORDS to keep track of our adventure.

#STEEMLORDS is the brilliant @SirKnight 's brainchild.
All hail the mighty Sir Knight!

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