Sir Pheli- The Twin Hunters- Leave the Rally point to claim favour at Crete.

@Sirknight has spoken, the mission has been set forth.

Sir Pheli -The Twin Hunters (thanks for the awesome tagline), having recruited an ally in Lord Vader (albeit a bit weakened) awake from the mysterious rally point. It has been previously established it is one stinky and messed up place. There is dragon shit all over, drunkards passed out everywhere, some sort of giant battle wombat thing digging ankle breaking tunnels, a swamp surrounded with rotting carcasses and extracted brains, some dark brooding/tortured guy going on about floating vagina goddesses. (really those are the kinds of people on this quest, be sure to read all the stories here at #steemlords)

Sir Pheli spies a small cluster of familiar faces, fellow treasure hunters from the guild #steemsilvergold. These fellows each travel with a small satchel of shiny silver and gold. They often take long breaks to show them off to each other and brag. Of't heard proclaiming the 'great deal' they found or how prices will' go to the moon' and this sort of rubbish. They seam like they shall make great traveling companions, and Sir Pheli still hopes more shall join the quest.


He approaches Sir @Silvernova he seams to posses some unnatural ability to command metal and lightning, he calls it alchemy, but Sir Pheli knows it be witchcraft (having just vanquished the succubus on his way to this adventure-Sir Pheli knows). Sir Pheli offers to travel, with Sir Silvernova and share the glory of Excalibur.

Pheli also see's Lord Steem the Glorious from Germany, rumour has spread the he has also pledge to support the #steemsilvergold guild on this quest. He's one scary looking bad ass mo'fo knight so Sir Pheli cautiously offers for him to join his merry band as well.

They shall need a mount of their own, and dragons seam to be the way to go around here. Perhaps someone can help, but no phallic dragons that's just weird.

source @jyivhnn @ryivhnn/steemlords-art-test-character-sketchies

Introductions have been made and Sir Pheli leaves his direct pigeons at the rally point for others to join the quest, for there is still time and more alliances to be formed. But alas there is no time, they must travel to the eastern most island of HIMLING, but first they need gift from the nearby Island of Crete, for the High Priest of Himling.

The journey to the island of Crete is brisk, for they still posses the yellow submarine they traveled to the rally point in. They must be weary for the fabled beasts of Greek mythology lurk on Crete. One of the most feared is Cerberus the guardian of the underworld (and likely treasure). Luckily Pheli has a knack for defeating underworld daemons and trapping them in silver coins.


They almost forgot they continue to travel with Lord Vader, and he has brought his highly portable "Silver Freezing Chamber"
They travel to the gates of Hades, where such a beast resides. The chamber is erected and the plan to lure the beast into it, with Vader at the controls Sir Pheli taunts the beast. Cerberus charges...the plan works..the creature has been entombed in silver.


During the celebration unfortunately the purple glob holding on Lord Vader's head fails, and the decapitation proves to be the end of Lord Vader. (He doesn't really fit with the story anymore anyways).

With their new silver coin in hand, they prepare to embark on the rest of their quest to the eastern most island of HIMLING , will they face Cannibals, Mermaids, Pirates or Sharks oh my! Please continue to watch and follow, and be sure to read about the rest of the teams on their #steemlords journey.

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