#steemlords art test character sketchies

In my infinite (HAHHAHAHHAHAHHHAHHAHHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAAAA) wisdom, I thought, seeing as the illustrious @sirknight has given us a few days in between moves I'll try a few different things before settling on a style for #steemlords.

Don't panic if you're not here, I tend to draw in the order that ideas occur to me not necessarily in the order I find the posts and these unlucky suckers brave and fearless adventurers just so happened to trigger ideas first. I'll catch up with everyone else once a style has been decided.

The art tests are presented in roughly the amount of time it took me to produce them, not the order I did them in.

First up, we have Gohba the Loyal Blacksmith and his faithful steed White Navarais the mighty Shetland pony done in the familiar pencil scratchings from steemwars. These ones take 5-10mins depending on how many characters and props are involved in each scene.


Next, in very hairy coloured lines are Sir Scooterless and Rigormortis the Blue Dragon demonstrating using the pen brush:


and BattleWom demonstrating the pencil brush:


BattleWom was going to have a mounted turret til I remembered there was no sci fi in this fantasy so I had to make an abrupt costume change. These take about 10min each purely because I have to think about where I'm putting what colours. Also oops coloured pencils weren't invented in medieval times so I might have to use the crayon brush instead.

Then along prances Sir Muxxy the Brave and his rainbow unicorn Martha and sidekick Shane the Squelch with rough brush colour tinting (trying to keep to the medieval theme, was going to use the watercolour brush but that took forever). Due to a fair whack of failed experimentation with the watercolour one I don't know how long this took but at least 15-20min.


And finally ChooXena the Vegan Warrior Princess in a soft cel semi-anime style. I have no idea how long this one took and am actually thoroughly unhappy with how it turned out (mostly because I don't know how to do the crazy lighting I wanted in this style) and have queued it up for proper treatment later on down the track.


next time you see ChooXena she's going to be an arse kicking yoga bunny

Just as a warning to all participants, unless your character (sorry you don't get a say XD) screams human at me you're in real danger of getting anthro'd XD

Now all I need is for you (and you, and you, and most definitely you) to help me decide on a style. How would you like to see steemlords illustrated?

Thanks for looking! _

And come join us in the #teamaustralia Discord channel :D


The steemaroo divider is free to use

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