#STEEMLORDS - Sir Silvernova has visions of other worlds and has a close call with the Criminalians. Now the quest for Excalibur begins.

Welcome to the quest for Excalibur as the greatest warriors from all over steemit converge on the mysterious Rally Point. The day has arrived and news of the great quest has been recieved from the brave SirKnight. It has begun.

We last left the hero of this adventure HERE. Lord Silvernova was tired and weary from the long road he had travelled. His muscles ached and he seemed to have a nasty case of chaffing. It seems these underpants were not made for adventuring. He longed for a soft bed to rest his heavy head and a cool ale to quench his thirst.

With the sounds of people chanting a shrill song about some lady called Matilda engaged in the act of Waltzing, ringing through the night and a faint hint of shrimps on a barbie wafting through the air. Lord Silvernova began to fear he was walking into the midst of a #teamaustralia guild meeting. The members of this guild have been sworn enemies of his ancestors from New Kiwilandia and he was not in the mood to verbally duel over the victors of their many rivalries on the gladiator battle field. Nor was he about to subject himself to a night of counting sheep (shagging jokes). 

Sneaking as close as he could dare, he listened to the high pitched whine of the Criminalians for as long as he could handle. He managed to decipher a few words but unfamiliar with their strange tongue he was only able to decipher a few phrases. It didn’t help that they had all had their fill of VB and the conversation was extremely slurred. 

They were recounting legends of some of their mightiest warriors, some of which had headed off to embark on a legendary quest, the quest for Excalibur.

The names he was able to make out were ChooXena - Vegan Warrior Princes, the dangerous Battlewom, and the infamous Baroness Bearone The Dazzling. There were other names and stories mentioned but the voices were to shrill on his ears to make out.

He was sure he would cross their paths in the near future but with little word from his own guild, Lord Silvernova decided to sneak past the debauch gathering of Criminalians and push on east.

He was able to find a moments peace, beside the bubbling sound of a near by river. He still had a little pipe weed, or Halflings Leaf as it was known in the shire, left over from the last visit to see Gandalf the grey. He packed his little pipe and with a few puffs, smoke rings and smoke pirate ships, he closed his eyes and before long his mind was filled with a vision from the ether. 

He saw sights he had never seen before, a far away Sith Lord encased in silver, dinosaurs trolls and an evil Succubus. In his vision he saw his fellow guild member Sir Pheli (see his adventure here ) battling the dark forces of a far of distant land, succeeding against the mightiest of foes and setting off to meet at the rally point.

Lord Silvernova awoke with the sound of a distant digging noise coming from underneath his feet and a strange voice was chanting “Wom wom wom wom wom wom. Was this the sound of the powerful Battlewom? Lord Silvernova was not about to stick around and find out and this was just the kick in the ass he needed to make haste to the rally point.

Strange beasts flew overhead, the strange smell of intoxication wafted through the air and a gathering of strange individuals had congregated to hear the news regarding the new quest ahead of them. News from SirKnight arrived and the foundations for the first stage of the quest was laid out.

Unsure how alliances would play out, Lord Silvernova had decided to stay hidden in the shadows for now. There seemed to be members of his guild present, but it seemed they were flying the colours of other guilds. Would his double dipping guild members still hold loyalty to his guild or would they be the ones to stick a knife in Lord Silvernova Back?

Unsure of Sir Pheli’s whereabouts, Lord Silvernova readied himself for the quest ahead. The road was going to be long and he would have to face a trip on the ocean, with the power of his sorcery (elec-trish-city) the ocean or rain for that fact were not his friend. This would mean that his arcane magic would have to take a backseat to his martial skills. Sir Silvernova electric Katana can be extremely dangerous around water, and thus his “rainy day” sword would have to suffice.

As well as harbouring a love for all metals - shiny - Lord Silvernova was had an avid collector of fine blades. His rainy day sword had been forged by the dwarves of the far west, using an ancient technique known to only the most proficient blacksmiths. His Katana was forged from obsidian or more commonly known as dragon stone. As well as being one of the only blades to vanquish the evil white walkers of westeros, it sure makes for one hell of a sexy blade!

Lord Silvernova ventured forth, walking the path of despair and torment with a smile on his face and the tune of - Hi ho, Hi Ho, it’s off to work I go escaping from his lips. The quest has begun and adventures await. 

What lies in store once the sea is reached and a voyage into the wild seas of middlesteem ensues? Stay tuned and read the progress of all the other …….. hero’s (?) as we all strive to wield the power of Excalibur and control the steem! 


Note: No offence was intended for my friends across the ditch in Criminalia. Aussie pic source Halfling smoking picture source

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