Condensing STEEM Into Life Giving Water
I am still buzzing with the recent news that the founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin mentioned the Steem Blockchain and more importantly, its community.
Watch Video of Vitalik Talking About STEEM
While at the same time, sadly, the EOS blockchain is currently having some Major issues with network congestion and at the same time the Steem Blockchain just continues to grow and expand both its multi-use blockchain ecosystem and its crypto user base. So Vitalik wishes Ethereum, the number 2 blockchain, and I imagine Dan of EOS, the number 7 blockchain, does as well, to be more like the number 88 blockchain, STEEM.
EOS needs the network throughput that the STEEM Blockchain currently has in excess by the boatloads, while Ethereum's founder Vitalik, laments Ethereum's inability to have both throughput and more importantly a thriving and diverse Crypto-Community like that found on the STEEM Blockchain.
These two recent events have re-invigorated my belief that the STEEM Blockchain is special, and is meant to do great things for the World and its people. I say this because Bitcoin first unlocked the potential of the blockchain. This potential of economic and monetary freedom unleashed by Bitcoin had been lost, at least for most people of the world, but the STEEM Blockchain recaptured that potential for the masses of the World. The STEEM Blockchain allows any individual in any part of the World to participate in blockchain technology while also reaping the rewards of the blockchain. This empowerment of the individual makes each STEEM Community member a stronger link in the blockchain, and as those individuals congregate into support groups and communities, it makes for stronger bonds that can effect meaningful changes.
Those positive changes are exactly what We, as the STEEM Community, are trying to do here with SteemLOVE.
About two weeks ago I posted my first SteemLove post. The idea behind the SteemLove post is to take whatever the Author Rewards will be and send it as Steem to a Steem community member that could use a little SteemLove. The first Steemian I nominated was @petrarodriguez who lives in Venezuela, and posts to the Steem Blockchain about her life experiences, despite the fact that electricity and the internet are Not daily guarantees. In this first post I asked for community members to volunteer the next recipient of that SteemLove.
For me, the idea behind SteemLove is simple. As it is often said, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, so by helping to support and lift up our community members, We make our Steem BlockCHAIN STRONGER one member at a time.
read about it here - Mission: Agua-Possible
Proof of this is the next Steemian who was volunteered by @davedickeyyall to be the
next recipient of the community's SteemLove,
@drutter , a member of the Steem Community since August 2017. For a little over a year, this noble Steemian has been running a project to gather up enough STEEM that will be used to buy a water pump for another fellow Steemian in Venezuela.
How Amazing is That? What other Blockchain can say that its community members help empower each other in this manner? Personally, I think We here on the Steem Blockchain would have made Satoshi Nakamoto quite proud if he were still around!!
The rewards from this post that I receive will be 100% given to @drutter to do as they wish, but I highly suspect that it will lead to STEEM eventually turning into Water.
I am asking for 100% UP VOTES from those of you who can, and of course Re-Steems so that others may help by sending their SteemLove through up votes and re-steems as well.
Remember, this is to show the Collective Power of the Steem Blockchain Community to support and empower its community members. Thank You
I would like to have All those who do participate with an up vote to comment below and nominate
a fellow Steemian that you believe should be the next to receive a STEEMLOVE post. Then we can do this again for another fellow Steemian.
What do you all think?
Who is Next for some SteemLove?
Take care everyone!
+++ @streetstyle