How I became the Crustacean King //2nd Week// Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest


Crustaceans get old and travel far, so I can not saywhere and when my story begins. The waters were warm and there where white beaches..
Oh how blessed we were to walk in the sun and on the sea bed!
That was before the war started. Mind you, back then there was no alliance between the creatures of the seas and waters!
Pirates hunted us for our delicious meat and deep in the sea my tribe and I were enslaved and used as foot soldiers by the mischievous mermaids.
The mermaids controlled our minds and hearts and made us spineless creatures.
Us! The crustaceans!
They used magic to make us obey and bring fear and chaos into the deepest depths of the ocean.

One day I was sent to explore the nearby shore. The water was muddy and the land appeared as tidal flats for miles until we reached the shore, which was adorned with massive cliffs and caves.
I don't remember much of these horrible times, but what happened next I will stay with me until the day I die. From afar I saw a hooded man, standing upright, staring at me while gesticulating wildly. Moving closer, my mind became clearer and clearer. Standing before him, the man showed no fear of my claws and muscular tail.

"Behold!" He eclaimed. "I can sense your suffering and freed you of the mischievous magic that bound you to your evil masters!"

I looked at him in surprise. How was this possible?

"If I were to die by the claws of giant lobsters it should at least be by their own free will" he continued, while looking at me expectantly.
"I am Alric Stormbringer and I can help you free your kin."

I was taken by surprise. This limp, two-legged creature was going to help us?

"The mermaids have no magic on their own, they possess something that is of great value and helps them control you poor creatures. You must have seen it before; it is a stone, with an entrapped elemental in it, as old as the world itself."

It immediately struck me as true. I knew what he was talking about and we made a deal: His magic would give me the time in my own free mind and he was to receive the stone.

Back in the water the suffering of my kin, their dull eyes and mechanic movements filled me with such an unbearable rage that I slaughtered my way to the stone.

Touching it the depths of the sea became light as day. The eyes of my fellow crustaceans first showed surprise.. and then, lust for revenge.

My anger let the water around me come to a boil and I screamed "We will be free! AND WE WILL STAY FREE!"
Far and wide the crustaceans heard my cry and they arose from their crevices.
With our strong claws we fought back the enemy and I guided my fellow crustaceans to these lands. From that day on I was, and I am, the Crustacean King, Protector of the mud flats and ruler between the land and the sea.

Well, this is a late entry. I hope you'll enjoy the story, it's great practise for me to come up with a complete story written in english at least once a week!

Today I got some new cards and finally some golden ones! I hope I stay this lucky.
If you want to find out more about steem monsters check out these links!

Steem Monster Contact Info
Official Account: @steemmonsters

Check out @monsterworld for updates on the game!

Btw, I got another story including Alric Stormbringer.


And for starters there is a whole pack to win in this awesome contest by @bitson!

Check it out : @bitson/probably-the-biggest-steemmonsters-giveaway-all-my-collection

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