Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 8

Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 8


This is my entry for the Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 8

Rexxie Saves the Day!

Hi. My name is Rexxie and I’m a dinosaur. Roar! You may have seen me in the grasslands of Anumün as I am at the top of the food chain. Or, at least that is what I’d always thought. My entire life I have lived a peaceful life with my family. Sure, we would argue over territories, but for much of the time we all lived together in harmony.

During the days I would walk the grasslands without a care in the world. The sun was always shining, and I loved to soak it up. I would wander through the fields and plains watching the other young dinosaurs play tag or hide and seek. I had always wanted to play too, but I wasn’t allowed. I didn’t have many dinosaur friends because my family was sort of an outcast. Something about my mother killing her sister. It all happened when I was just a baby, so I never did understand the reason.

This left me a bit sad until one day I met a new friend. His name is Henry and he lives in the water. He told me once he was an alligator, but to me he was just a dinosaur with little legs. He had these seeds that would make him appear bigger. He said eating the seeds made him almost as big as me and he didn’t feel so small when we were together. He called them his magic seeds.

We would meet in the mornings and hunt for breakfast before the others rose from their sleeping nests. Henry was without many friends like me, so we spent most of our days together.

One morning Henry was upset. “They are coming to kill us all.” He exclaimed.

“Who is coming to kill us?” I asked.

“The creatures with the hands. You know, the ones who walk on two legs”

“Why would the handed creatures want to kill us?”

Henry went on to tell me that he heard some of the handed creatures talking while they walked the grasslands. “I followed them along the water as they walked. The one said they needed more land to build. The other said the grasslands would be perfect, except for the wild animals.”

“What wild animals? There are no wild animals in the grasslands. The only inhabitants are the dinosaurs.” I said.

Henry looked at me and waited until I understood his message.

“The handed creatures are talking about the dinosaurs?” I laughed. “There’s nothing they can do to kill us. If anything, they should be worried about the dinosaurs killing them.”

“I thought that too, until I seen their weapons.”

“What kind of weapons?” I asked.

“They kind that go bang! They killed a deer with it. The poor thing just dropped dead after the bang.”

“I can’t imagine they could kill us with their weapons, but I still don’t think it is a good idea that the handed creatures want to take our land.”

Henry agreed.

I immediately went home to find my mother and tell her what Henry said. She agreed that this was disturbing news, but that the handed creatures had never attempted to invade the grasslands, and she doubted they would be much of a threat. I wanted to tell the other dinosaurs, but I knew they wouldn’t believe me either. I had no choice but to take matters into my own hands.

That night, Henry and I met again and walked the grasslands until we found the handed creature’s hunting camp at the entrance to the grasslands. We hid in the shadows and watched as more and more of the handed hunters arrived. I could see the trunks full of the banging weapons, and many of the handed hunters were practicing their banging skills on fake targets in the shape of dinosaurs.

The sound of the bangs were loud and scary. The handed hunters shot something into the target that made a very big hole. I over heard them calling it “ammo” when they asked for more.

“We need to destroy their ammo.” I whispered to Henry.

Henry nodded.

I saw enough. Henry and I decided to come back before the rising of the sun. We had to at least try to stop the handed hunters. I wasn’t sure what we could do, but the plan was set in motion, and there was no backing out now. The lives of my family, and the other dinosaurs of the grasslands depended on us. We had to disrupt their invasion, and ensure the handed hunters never returned.

The early morning came fast and I had slept for only a few hours. I swear I slept with one eye open as the rest of my family snored loudly into the night. My mother didn’t notice me sneaking out of our nest in the morning, but I left a simple note saying I was off to save the grasslands. I took one last look at her before I left, not knowing if I would return.

Henry was true to his word and met me at the entrance of the grasslands where the handed hunters were planning to begin their hunt. We could hear their noises coming down the path. We followed them, waited until they broke off into smaller groups, and then we attacked one group at a time.

Most of the handed hunters were more scared of me than I was of them. I mean I am a pretty intimidating dinosaur if I do say so myself. I fiercely roared, allowing them to see my authority. The handed hunters dropped their weapons and ran in the other direction screaming in fear. Henry and I would laugh each time.

“What a bunch of scaredy-cats.” I said.

Henry agreed.

I gathered the weapons from each of the groups and threw them into the water. Henry and I watched them sink.

We headed back to the handed hunter’s camp where we knew they kept their weapons and ammo. I raged through the camp, tearing down the tents with my sharp teeth. I stomped on the weapons, splintering them into tiny pieces.

Most of the handed hunters at the camp ran screaming for their lives. A few of them tried to use their banging weapons, but the ammo whizzed by my head, making me even more mad. I roared as loud as I could. The handed hunters threw their weapons in the air and fled.

“I’m not getting paid enough for this!” One screamed while he was running away.

Henry and I gathered all the ammo and headed back to the water to sink them too.

Just when we thought our fight was over, we heard a scream from behind us, and then a loud bang. We turned around and were shocked to see an ugly handed hunter pointing his banging weapon in our direction. “I’ll kill every one of you dinosaurs me self if I have to, but the grasslands will be ours.”

The banging weapon the ugly handed hunter carried was bigger than any of the others I had seen, and the bang was more ferocious. Henry and I both roared at the ugly handed hunter, but he wasn’t the least bit intimidated. I must admit; Henry and I were both scared.

But then Henry came up with a brilliant idea.

“Rexxie.” He said, “Take one of my magic seeds!”

I leaned down to my little friend and grabbed one of the seeds from the satchel Henry carried on his back. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen once I swallowed the seed. I only hoped the seed didn’t have the opposite effect on me as it did on Henry.

Once I swallowed the seed I could feel my body begin to grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger. When I looked down the ugly handed hunter looked like a spec on the ground. Once again, I let out a mighty roar.

This time the ugly handed hunter was scared. He wet his pants, and then threw his own gun into the water. “I swear, I’ll never hunt dinosaurs again. Just please let me live.”

I nodded, and the ugly handed hunter ran the other direction mumbling and screaming to himself.

Henry and I smiled.

“Magic seeds.” He said.

Henry told me the seed’s transformation effects lasted a few hours. So, since we had successfully ran off all the handed hunters, Henry and I ran around the grasslands scaring the other dinosaurs with my new enormous size. Soon my mother and the other dinosaurs gathered to ask how I had gotten so big.

Henry and I told them all about the handed hunters and the banging weapons, and how we saved the grasslands with Henry’s magic seeds.

From that day on, I was known as Rexxie the Brave, as well as nick-named “Big Foot” but I don’t mind. Our families are now reunited, and I have lots of dinosaur friends for the first time in my life. Henry and I still go on all kinds of adventures together and we plan to join the battles once they start.

The magic seeds Henry used to increase his size grew wild in Anumün so we started a business gathering the seeds, and selling them to the other dinosaurs. The seed business has become very profitable and I have a solid reputation as a magic seed dealer.

The best part is that those handed hunters never did come back. I imagine if they did they would be shocked by the number of gigantic dinosaurs they will find in the grasslands. It still makes me laugh to think of those handed hunters running away screaming, especially the ugly one who wet his pants.

But hey, that’s what happens when you mess with Rexxie, I am after all a dinosaur. Roar!

The End

Thanks for reading!

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