STEEMPAY mobile wallet developer update - Consensus reached

Last week i wrote a post on getting a consensus on how to handle new user registrations.

For those who missed it, the post can be found here.

After long debating on chats, interacting with users and listening to their feedback here's what i've decided; pays the account creation fee during startup.

After the startup phase, i'll start playing around with having paid ads in the app.

Paid ads? I don't want to see some viagra commercial in my app!

Touché. But here's the businessmodel behind it:

  • Only ads linking to a steemit post will be allowed.
  • Only a small text banner on the top will be allowed. No images, only text.
  • No forced clicks or upvotes; The user will only see the ad.
  • Every ad needs to have approval before being listed.
  • First come, first served system.
  • Visibility and duration will be announced later.

Note that ads will only be visible for users who create an account trough our app. Existing users will be completely ad-free.

General progress

The overall developement is inline with our expectations., the first public android version will be online by the end of next week.

Currently the code is about 90% completed, so is the UI design (see this showcase ) by @cass.

Make sure to follow me to stay updated.

If you want to support, consider giving me a witness vote.

Steem on!

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