Time for some new steempearls! :) The steempearls are a report about the last 5 topics, that I liked the most and I want to sum up for you. Please have a visit on these accounts and enjoy the content like I did. All Thanks goes to these fabulous writers out there. ღ
The first steempearl / TRAVEL
goes to @exploretraveler for his report Vacationing and Scuba Diving the Philippine's Coral Reefs.
Wow, this philippinean reef just looks amazing! This clearblue of the sea is wonderful. Thank you for sharing your travel experience in philippines with us. The blog of @exploretraveler is really amazing anyway. Just have a look on it. It is full of reports about Asia, USA and Europe. Really worth a stop-by :)

The second steempearl / STEEMIT
goes to @hedge-x for his 5 Reasons Why Steem Is Highly Undervalued.
Thank you for all these explications for an undervalued steem. All reasons seen on one place is really awesome. I am curious about the coming times, the coming apps and everything. I think the really main reason, why it is undervalued, is that is a currency, that is really used daily. It has another use than just pump and dump, like almost all of the other (at least until this date). Your report made me exchange some ethereum for steem again :) Let's ship into a bright future, steemians!

The third steempearl / LIFE
goes to @journeyoflife for ARRANGED MARRIAGE: A STORY FROM THE INSIDE (Part 2: Deeper Thoughts).
The story of @journeyofmylife touched me deeply. How can parents seriously raising a child in western culture and then think a child will accept their decision for a marriage and then force them to? I can really not imagine, how @journeyoflife must have felt and still feels. Terrible. I accept the being of traditionals, but we in the western world have traditions of a free thinking, of enlightened selfmade decisions and lifestyles. This is our tradition. And people can not just come here, life here and think this western lifestyle did not characterize their children. Unfortunately this forcing to marriage is happening very often. Until today.

The fourth steempearl / SCIENCE
goes to @docdelux for The Mystery of The Left Hand.
Another nice report about science and brains. I guess, I just like brain science :) I enjoyed the read really. And actually I already knew that left handers are very creative people. Now I have the explications.

The fifth steempearl / CRYPTO-YOUTUBER
goes to @jerrybanfield for Top 10 Cryptocurrency Questions and Answers!.
I know, @jerrybanfield is already very famous here. But I didn't knew him before he has made an account on steemit and started to write here. I love to read his good foundated reports about cryptocurrencys. If you are to lazy to read, just watch his youtube videos. And it is not just that simple fact, he is doing brillant postings, NO - the main reason why I like Jerry's work, is that he was coming from the bottom. He had some struggles in life and look at him now. He has got up from the bottom, clopped the dust away and headed for another future. And there he is, with a bright future ahead! Go on @jerrybanfield ! I hope you read this at all!! :D Jerry got so many comments and notifications - therefore it would not wonder me, when he just don't see this posting. But the main thing is anyway, that you, readers of the steempearls, check his profile out. He is just doing a great job about informating on cryptos in general. If you want to be informed, follow him.

If you enjoyed the steempearls, feel free to make your own steempearls article and post it under the hasthag #steempearls ;) Have a great day and steem on ♠
If you want to see all the steempearls ever written by anybody, just follow the account @steempearls .

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