SteemPH goes to Barangays - Arts and Music Therapy for Special Education Center

UPDATE: SteemPH in partnership with @flabbergast-art and Tribong Alinaga will be having an   Arts and Music workshop for Out-of-School Youth of a barangay in Caloocan     Art and Music Therapy on September 23, Saturday for 80 Children of the Cecilio Apostol Elementary School Special Education Center.

Cecilio Apostol Elementary School [Source]

WHATArt and Music Therapy
WHERECecilio Apostol Elementary School GYMNASIUM
WHENSept 23, Saturday, 8:00 AM
  • Mandatory session for volunteers from 8:00AM to 8:30 AM for a quick session on gift-giving to special child with autism, down syndrome, mute and deaf training which is a requirement of the Special Education Center. Make sure you are NOT late. :) Contact us on Discord if we can meet a nearby fast food place at 6:30-7AM and have breakfast together <3

We are in need of volunteers! Please register here if you want to join us and learn about the arts or music as well. Learn from these excellent artists!

Current confirmed volunteers:

Come join us!

Gymnasium [Source]

Check out the works of @flabbergast-art where he uses simple multicolor Hello Kitty ballpens to make art such as below and see his feature on NBN news here.

Check out Tribong Alinaga at Musikalye where we have a video of them playing different Filipino traditional instruments HERE.

All proceeds of this post will be used to fund food and art supplies for the children for use during the workshop.

A resteem will be a big help to these kids.

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