About Pirate Booty Bullion: Nemesis – Episode 5 The Video

Inside the... Chronicles of the Bloody Raven

Avast yea fellow Steemizens, this Epic Silver bar Unboxing video may have its origin in my first Introductory blog video, and with an unexpected sizable gift from Pirate Booty Bullion what can I do? So there’s more to the story…

Pirate Booty Bullion was one of the first Pourers I’ve discovered though a veteran Silver Stacker by the YouTube name of Silver Diva. In the summer of 2016 Pirate Booty Bullion sold products through their Ebay store before moving on to their web site. They often collaborated in the past with Silver Diva, a fan of Pirate lore, in order to make a visible presence within the Silver community.

As a frequent supporter and subscriber to Silver Diva, and on behalf of Pirate Booty Bullion she gave me an official Pirate Booty Bullion Treasure chest to “Stow me poured silver treasure.” Little did she realize is that she had created a Silver Monster. The former child Pirate Princess was reawakened and grown up into The Bloody Raven. From among PBB’s fine line of Pirate themed products I’ve picked my first target.

The breakout video “Nemesis: What’s in my Booty bank” was originally intended to be a Thank You to Silver Diva and to document my first purchase from Pirate Booty Bullion. Being Gothic in nature I picked the Skull and Sword Coffin bar then nicknamed it the Nemesis after the Greek goddess of retribution/revenge. I can see the story building around this, tying in some of the previous poured silver unboxing stories.

Part of my ‘Struggle’ was funding. At the time the bar was going to set me back over $350CDN including signature shipping, an ugly CDN/ USD Conversion rate, and an illogical import fee/tax on what was supposed to be considered Tax free according to Canadian law on 0.999 Fine Silver bullion. I think this was a caught in a Twilight zone-like Import classification issue. Unabated, I cashed in over 2000 bottle deposits, sold a little stash of Bitcoin, picked up an extra shift or two but it still wasn’t enough.

     “It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.” – Edmund Hillary

Not long after posting my video Nemesis: What’s in my Booty Bank, Pirate Booty Bullion contacts me and wanted my address to send the bar without charge. I was surprised and shocked. From the feedback, there was a very high expectation of the sequel. This huge 8.5 oz bar is Epic. It had to be epic. The worse part of the struggle came to me with a vengeance. Writer’s block struck me. A Writers greatest fear is this…”Fear of the sequel Flop” because statistically 95% of sequels never measure up to the original. And doubt made me think that my video was a total editing fluke. Since then I’ve publish ten other videos picking up editing tricks, understand copyright rules and limits, learned Green screen technique, proper story boarding, and other skills. In this sequel, coming out of the Fog was literally symbolic. This beautiful bar never felt like mine until I finished this long awaited sequel. But about twenty months later. Finally! Pirate Booty Bullion: Nemesis. Not exactly as I originally envisioned it but that’s where Steemit comes in. This new platform allows me to write in a companion story expanding what cannot be done on video allowing for better character and story depth.

A bittersweet realization now is that Pirate Booty Bullion has suspended business at this time and has indicated returning to business in the New Year of 2018. There are a lot of Pirate themed pouring since and I can understand it to be competitive even for the little fiat cash I could spare. So far, no PBB news as of the time of this article. However their YouTube channel is still up and running. And their last InstaGram post was September 2017. I have my briny fingers crossed.
And I still want the PBB silver Flintlock!

The written Expanded Episode 5 is in progress and will be posted later.
For now enjoy the YouTube video version.

For Context: Click on the Video of the Raven and the Katana

Opening Episode 1 Chronicles of the Bloody Raven

Episode 2 Coin Keeper: Dragon Bar

Episode 3 AgEnder: Ickabod’s Skull and Crossbones

Episode 4 Dr Masterson: Fog of War

YouTube Video of Pirate Booty Bullion: Nemesis – Treasure Map update 5

Thank you my Sister @silversaver888 as a member our fictional fleet.

An excerpt from The Nemesis Written version

"This was consistent with the unusual mix of warships of different countries. The Fury and it's sister ship Spectre where top line ships of war that rarely operated within the British Admiralty and more of an Independent under the guise of a flag. They were not even listed in their Table of Operations. It appears that a Dutch Ship called The Mist and a Spanish ship San Cortezia now take the place of the ruined Spectre.
The Mina's was an Italian Gun ship of unusual design with a lethal cluster of 18 pound cannons on the bow and stern for pursuit, aim low raking fire along the length slaughtering gun crews and passengers en masse or aim high to quickly shred sail and rigging crippling any fleeing ship in range.
The Fleur De Coté was French Assault ship that could take plenty of punishment at close quarters with it’s thick oak hull and shallow draft. She could deliver a volume of troops overwhelming the crippled target ship or land troops much closer to shore. These are not the product of the mere machinations of just one country or king. It was something far greater. What entity or organization could bring all these together? "Mina's design I've seen by Michelangelo before the plans disappeared over two hundred years ago when I lived in Firenze. The Fleur De Coté was likely designed by him as well since they complement each other. Kill, or cripple and capture."

            “Et lux in tenebris to serve laboro, sum sicarius”  
    “I work in the shadows to serve the Light, I am an Assassin”

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