Christmas and came and gone but Stax was recruiting throughout and we have added 8 new members to add the #steemsilvergold stacking group this week. This will be the last membership list update for the year of 2017. What will next year bring for our group and Steemit as a whole. Just look at what we have done this year and you will see that we are without question the best stacking group tag on Steemit, as long as we keep pushing forward with great content and supporting each other and community bots, we will remain number 1. There is no question about it, we have a great foundation and all we need to do is add levels.

Next weeks membership update post will include a recap of the years happening from i joined up to the group in July 2017, sort of like a time line to make it easy viewing.
Updated Membership list from STAX
Total members currently sitting at 137. That is no lost membership's for 5 weeks in a row and 8 newbies added, its been a bust week for all so 8 new members is great, that is a 7% in 8 days. Welcome aboard folks !!
@agscotskiwi @ajain @anothervoice @armshippie @backyardbullion @battleaxe @bearbear613 @bearone @bi5h0p @blackrussian @bluelightbandit @britcoin @broncnutz @buggedout @buster544 @caladan @clumsysilverdad @coindevil @coldsteem @coolbowser @corvo @crowe @cryptokeepr @cve3 @digestingreality @dwingsworld @edthecanadian @edxserverus @ejr @elizabethleaf @em3 @famcore @fat-elvis @generation.easy @geordiesilver @gikitiki @gniksivart @goldenarms @goldgoatsnguns @goldkey @goldmatters @gomatthew @grildrig @grizzman @guiltyparties @handofzara @harleymechanix @hgmsilvergold @hisilverstacker @ironshield @jangaladesigns @janusface @jbcoin @jimbobbill @jsull @juniusmaltby @jznsamuel @kanedizzle08 @kanoe @kevinkarron @knowledge-seeker @kp138 @ladybug146, @lengle2811, @lesvizable @longstocksilver @lucky.digg @madein-hisimage @mattclarke @meilo1995 @metalsdude @methus @mggiodev @midastouch @mihail.tsvetkov @mikeshuh @missiontothemoon @moderndayhippie @mrmonkeyswag96 @nolnocluap @o07 @owenwat @pawos @peaceloveliberty phelimint @pit-bullion @plumey @pocketechange @rakkasan84 @randomness raybrockman @rolf.bakker @rollingthunder @roop @roxdude @russellbury @sevinwilson @shadowstack @shaungerow @silverbug @silverdragon @silverfortune @silverfuture @silvergoldcomps @silverino @silvernova @silversaver888 @silverslayer silverstackeruk @sirknight @sirstacksalot @sixersfeds @skeptic @smartcoins @smaulgld @stackin @stay-in-the-gray @stephen-somers @stnwllstrtgc @stokjockey @tbnfl4sun @thecoolplayer @thedamus @theswede @timitwist @traderyen @tremendospercy @tyedyefirepower @tylersilver @tzcap @underground @vegansilverstack @vispasian @welshstacker @xyzashu @yaboyjon
Gained Membership - @bearone, @gikitiki, @gomatthew, @kanoe, @silverdragon, @skeptic, @smartcoins, @vispasian

Some of my Recent Posts
*****Offical #steemsilvergold Weekly Membershp Update Post*****
------Day 80 of the $100 Bitconnect Challenge!------
** Its days like these, we are pround to be SILVER STACKERS **
----- A few BTC/Crypto funny memes JUST FOR FUN------