Storing your Sliver Stack and can your stack get too big? #363

I am looking at my stack and thinking i wonder how everyone else stores their silver stack. The bigger it get's the more of a problem it becomes as it gets heavy quickly and adding new stuff becomes more of a hassle. Now that's a 1st world problem, having to much silver and be too lazy to store it away properly cause it's heavy and ackward to get out of my stash spot. ha

My storage of my stack has changed and evolved from the beginning. My very first storage box was more of a gift box. It was one of these cardboard boxes that you would get from an office supplies shop but a nice one with flowers and birds on, lol. This ended up holding around 80oz's when full and that was a few boxed things also. It served it well for 7-8 months then it was time to man up and stop smelling the roses.

My 1st silver stack box was like this with a different design

After my cardboard box become full, i decided the best thing to store my stack in would be monster boxes, royal mint monster boxes. I can order 1 of these at a time when being silver orders from EU dealers for around 9 euro each. They are hard to come by so i always add one to every order i do, so far i have only had the chance to buy 2, the chance of them being in stock when i order is very small. One time i bought a smaller monster box issued by the Perth mint for 250oz's of silver kangaroo's. The smaller box is ok but i will not be buying another.

For me the monster boxes have worked out really well. In 1 box alot of my bullion is in quadrum capsules and as they are square, they stack and store away easy. I dont need to worry about them moving around. The other is filled with tubes of brits, 1/2 oz lunars rolls and a bunch of loose silver. Small box is royal mint and graded stuff.

As you can see the boxes are pretty full and i am in need of another monster box but there is none in stock. I have since bought 2 metal briefcase style storage boxes. 1 will be used for all my boxed, graded and carded bullion and the other is a case that holds 150 quadrum capsules in rows.
Boxed, graded and carded
150 capsule box
Now the small kangaroo box is empty and i have pretty much half emptied one of the 1 monster boxes as well. I do not think i will be using the roo box again, could be a good one for 1 of the kids stacks but not for me. I would guess that this half full monster box will keep me going for around 6 months. That gives me lots of time to get an monster box.

How do you store yours?

It guess it depends on what type of bullion you stack. I would assume someone who stacks for weight would have alot of tubes that are easy stored nice and neatly away and someone who stacks alot of boxed and graded stuff would have a messy stack in different boxes. I think most of us on here are stackers that have a little bit of everything, most of us will have some tubes, some boxed, some carded, some graded, some loose, some bars and some capsuled silver in our stacks. As my stack gets bigger, it's taking up more room. Can you stack get too big? are does there come a point when you need to re-balance your whole stack, ie selling off most of your stack that is filled with premium items that take time to sell and using all the money from these sales to buy like a 500oz monster box and a bunch of gold sovereign's that are both more easy to store and sell when the time comes. There is alot to think about in this silver hustling game.


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