Who is on your Steemit follow list? How many steemsilvergold members? 354

The picture below is my Steemit business card (screenshot of account deatils) and im looking at the people followed and i think why do i not follow more members of the #steemsilvergold. Over the past week while i have been replying back to comments i have been clicking on the people's username's and seeing that alot of people i talk with are comment on my stuff are people i am not following. I was taken away as i thought i was already following them, most of them anyway. I think i can do better than this.

What's the point?

I have set myself a small challenge for this week and i plan to review every member of the #steemsilvergold membership list and most likely follow them. My thinking is simple, the more members posts i see the less i miss. I see these names over and over every week and dont really know the people behind 90% of them. I think i follow half them but i dont. I have just found one member that lists his interests as online poker, silver, crypto and weed. I mean this could be my next friend are unknown twin. Its time to get to know the people, the new school of members. I am still speaking to the same people i anyways speak with for months, nothing wrong with that but more people, more knowledge.

How do you select your silver stacking buddies?

Me personally, i like anyone that always has something silver/gold related in there last 5 posts. There is no rhyme or reason to why i like this. I will normally check someones comments to see if they makes reply's and then check a few posts. I dont wonna rush through this, im a lazy guy and when i follow you, your followed for life. I make sure you not gonna fill my wall with piss content. Apart from that, im easy like Sunday morning. How do you pick yours?

Google them, see what else they are into, find a facebook and look at 9 years worth of pictures to get a read on them. Internet stalk them are just be easy and follow them back. Follow them back on Steemit and Discord and maybe even facebook if you trust them. Who said being followed is a bad thing, just means someone is interested :)


Some of my Recent Posts

*** #steemsilvergold IMPORTANT - ALL MEMBERS PLEASE VIEW ***
------Day 94 of the $100 Bitconnect Challenge!------
** Whats been happening this week within #steemsilvergold **
------ How Steemit pays from post to payout!!------

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