#steemsilverround 2018 final. What do you think? Does it work? No CGI just "old skwl" cool!!

So the #steemsilverround competition has reached the final round, so I thought I'd up my game and try and pull in those final few of you still sat on the fence with my revamped design.

What do you think?


I had asked for assistance from the #SSG community and wider #steemit world to help me update my original concept and turn it into something shiny and clean. A few offered to help, but at the time of writing this only @meilo1995 has stepped up and submitted his attempt.

You can see his submission in my 5sbd giveaway post. All you have to do is give me your idea and I'll enter you in the raffle. Even if I don't win this year, it will help me improve my design for next time.


Im not stupid, but when it comes to computers, what would take someone an hour would take me most of the day to design and draw. So what I did was go back to the tried and tested method of cut and paste(and I don't mean ctrl C & ctrl V)....



So I used "word" to give me 2 circles and added a tree design. To add the steem logo and minnows/dolphins/killer whales I got out the scissors and got to work.





By the time I had cut and stuck all the little minnows down I was ready to give up but I knew the end result was going to be worth it so I carried on.

You lot better bloody like what I've done!!

Next up were the dolphins. Ohhh the dolphin, these were a pain in the arse to cut out.



Minnows done - check ✔️
Dolphins done - check ✔️

The killer whales were OK to cut out and luckily there are less of them.



So that's the first bit of my revamp done. I know a few people didn't like the idea of the m/d/kw hanging on the tree like leaves but I think by using a tree with a lot of foliage they blend in very well?

I was rather please with how this turned out so just in case I messed the next part up, I did a few photocopies.

So I decided to change up the outer rim message. I know a few thought the "from little acorns might oak trees grow" message was meaningful enough, but for continuity I used the "community" designs from last years round and added 2 new words of my own, one Welsh and one Irish.


So I hope the changes I've made are acceptable and that you guys get the possibilities that this designs offers. So when the final round of voting opens please show me your support and give me your vote.




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