COIN DESIGN - Steem Silver Round Design Contest Entry

My first ever coin design

I decided to join the Steem Silver Round Design Contest and made a coin design for the first time in my life!

I found out about the contest through @sevinwilson and @phelimint accounts, check out this post to see some more entries!

So here's my design! I was inspired by the Steemit logo, it reminds me of two whales or fish circling eachother, but it also reminds me of the yin and yang sign. I thought that would be perfect for a coin design. All the whales, dolphins, minnows and fishes keep the ocean in balance, we can't survive without eachother and we feed and help eachother out. It's a circle of Steemit life ;) I hope you like it!


First I made a quick sketch on my iPad during one of my train rides and then I finished it up in Photoshop.


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