Things are really heating up with the designs for the 2018 Steem Silver Round!

The last few days have seen an influx of great new designs for the 2018 Steem Silver Round,

We were previously at 11 designs which can be found in the most recent post HERE. Some can be found from previous post in links found in the post.

Well that last 4 days have resulted in an additional 7 designs. We may need to hold to voting in two rounds if this keeps up!

Also please let me know if I missed any designs, please use the tag #steemsilverround and/or post a link in the comments of this post

There are still 3 days left for submissions to be made.

The deadline for submission is Feb 7th, 2018, then the community with vote for the winning design.

The main prize is the design being used on the round, but there are other rewards too. We will guarantee a First place prize of 30 STEEM, second place of 15 STEEM and 3rd place of 5 STEEM. We do hope to be able to offer additional prizes and that will depend on post payouts and any donations received.

Current Submissions

This first design in from @welshstacker and you can find the full post with more photos and the full description here
Here's a quick exert but it's worth reading the entire post and story at the link above.

So I've called the idea THE COMMINI-TREE (community) for obvious reasons, it's based on the tree of life pattern. So sit back, grab a cold beer and allow me to take you through my thought process... Hold tight, it's a mine field of random thoughts!!

These next two designs were both submitted by @ricko66. They both feature an image of the globe that is connected via the steem blockhain, another really interesting design showing how steem is really making connections. You can read more about them HERE and HERE.

@photoquest drew this great design depicting a STEEM whale, he also corportated a pretty cool mandela design, with the center looking kind of like feathers and a dream catcher, not sure if he took some inspiration from our mint logo but we really like it. You can see his full post HERE

This design is from @daryjean has a few different variation, but it's interesting to include the traditional circuit board background that is popular on many other cryptocurrency rounds. He also included the @VOTU Pirate Queen in the center image. Unfortunately the STEEMIT logo that was included in a corporate trademark and not available for reproduction on this type of project. But please check out his post and show him some appreciation.

@skeptic was at it again, with a few more designs in this post HERE. This one above really stands out from that post.

This is the last of the recent batch of designs, this one is from @yesaye and depicts his represetion of "the Circle of Steem" He included lots of elements to represent different aspects of the community and also the associated dApps. You can read the full background in his post HERE

Special thanks to @papa-pepper for his recent shout out of the design contest

Also special mention to everyone else who's done promo posts and donated to the cause. I'm not even going to try any mentions, since I know I'll miss a few.

Please remember we are taking any donations @steemsilverround to help fund the project and keep the final costs as low as we possibly can for everyone.

Please also consider clinking the links above and supporting the original posts by the designers and thanks to everyone for the awesome submissions

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