“Girls can enjoy football matches: Russia 2018 World Cup-Group B” | 「女孩子也能看懂的足球比賽:俄羅斯2018世界盃-B組」⚽🏟

Yesterday, I introduced some basic information about group A of the Russia 2018 World Cup. If you are interested, you are welcome to visit this link :
“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group A”




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Today, I will introduce Group B to all of you. The 4 countries in group B include Iran, Morocco, Portugal and Spain.


Masoud Shojaei

Sardar Azmoun

Reza Ghoochannejhad

Iran, has participated in World Cup 5 times in history. Iran has beated South Korea and Uzbekistan in the qualify stage. The coach is Carlos Queiroz. The most famous player is Masoud Shojaei, the captain of the Iran national team. And I want to recommend a talented player, Sardar Azmoun, who has a nickname called “ Iran Messi”. In addition, I choose Reza Ghoochannejhad to be the most handsome player of Iran national football team.
Some of the Iran players play in Greek football club, how far can Iran national team reach will depend on the performance of Sardar Azmoun.

伊朗在歷史上曾打進5次世界盃的決賽周,在晉級的淘汰賽階段曾擊敗亞洲強隊南韓與烏茲別克。主教練是Carlos Queiroz,隊內的頭號球星是Masoud Shojaei,是伊朗國家隊的隊長。另外我為大家推介一位潛力球員,名為Sardar Azmoun,擁有「伊朗美斯」的外號。我額外挑選了伊朗國家隊中最英俊的球員,名為Reza Ghoochannejhad。 部份的球員效力於希臘球會,而伊朗國家隊能在世界盃走得多遠,非常依賴Sardar Azmoun的表現呢!

Medhi Benatia

Amine Harit

Aziz Bouhaddouz

Morocco, has participated in World Cup 5 times in history. However, Morocco had not advance to the group stage of World Cup since 1998, almost 20 years. The coach is Hervé Renard. The most famous player is Medhi Benatia, who just won the Series A champion with Italian club Juventus. And I want to recommend a talented player, Amine Harit, a young player who is very creative. In addition, I choose Aziz Bouhaddouz to be the most handsome player of Morocco national football team.
Most of the players play in European club, defence is the strongest part of Morocco team, I think they still have some chances to advance to the group of 16 stage.

摩納哥在歷史上曾打進5次世界盃的決賽周,但自從1998年之後,卻有足足二十年未有晉身世界盃的決賽周。主教練是Hervé Renard,隊內的頭號球星是Medhi Benatia,剛跟隨意大利球隊Juventus奪得聯賽冠軍。另外我為大家推介一位潛力球員,名為Amine Harit,是一位頗有創造力的球員。我額外挑選了摩納哥國家隊中最英俊的球員,名為Aziz Bouhaddouz。 大部份的球員都效力於歐洲的球會,而摩納哥國家隊的強項是防守,令它仍有機會從B組裡把握機會晉級。

Cristiano Ronaldo

Gelson Martins

João Moutinho

Portugal, has participated in World Cup 7 times in history, and the best result of Portugal was second runner up in 1966, which had superstar Eusébio in the national team at that time. The coach is Fernando Santos. The most famous player is Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the greatest football player in this planet. He is 33 years old now, and 2018 World Cup may be his last time to play for this tournament. And I want to recommend a talented player, Gelson Martins. He is fast and strong. In addition, I choose João Moutinho to be the most handsome player of Portugal national football team, besides of Cristiano Ronaldo.
Most of the players play in European club, the speed of counter attack will be the strongest weapon of Portugal against Spain in group B.

葡萄牙在歷史上曾打進7次世界盃的決賽周,最佳成績是1966年世界盃獲得了季軍,當年國家隊陣中擁有超級巨星黑豹Eusébio。主教練是Fernando Santos,隊內的頭號球星是Cristiano Ronaldo,星球上最偉大的其中一位球員。今年他已經步入33歲了,2018世界盃應該是他最後一次參加的世界盃比賽了。另外我為大家推介一位潛力球員,名為Gelson Martins,他擁有速度,還有強壯的身體。我額外挑選了葡萄牙國家隊中最英俊的球員,名為João Moutinho。當然這是因為我沒有將Cristiano Ronaldo放進俊男侯選名單裡呢! 大部份的球員都效力於歐洲的球會,而葡萄牙國家隊的強項是高速的防守反擊,將會成為在B組對抗西班牙的強大武器呢!

Andrés Iniesta

Marco Asensio

Álvaro Odriozola

Spain, has participated in World Cup 15 times in history, and won the World Cup in 2010. Unfortunately, Spain could not advance from group stage in 2014 World Cup, but Spain still is the big top team of group B. The coach is Julen Lopetegui. The most famous player is Andrés Iniesta, a legend of Spanish football club Barcelona. And I want to recommend a talented player, Marco Asensio. He is calm and smart. In addition, I choose Álvaro Odriozola to be the most handsome player of Spain national football team.
Most of the players play in Spanish club, mainly from Real Madrid, Atlético Madrid and Barcelona. Spanish players love pass and run, hope they can keep their beautiful football style.

西班牙在歷史上曾打進15次世界盃的決賽周,在2010第一次捧起世界盃。在4年後,衛冕冠軍卻在小組賽階段不幸地黯然出局。不過西班牙依然是B組的出線熱門。主教練是Julen Lopetegui,隊內的頭號球星是Andrés Iniesta,是西班牙強隊Barcelona的傳奇球員。另外我為大家推介一位潛力球員,名為Marco Asensio,他的踢法非常聰明,而且十分冷靜。我額外挑選了西班牙國家隊中最英俊的球員,名為Álvaro Odriozola。 大部份的球員都效力於西班牙球會Real Madrid和Atlético Madrid ,以及Barcelona。西班牙球員喜歡傳球與跑動,希望他們能夠繼續保持華麗的足球風格。

I will introduce Group C tomorrow, hope you will enjoy my article!


The @blocktrades World Cup | My selections⚽⚽

“Girls can enjoy football matches :Russia 2018 World Cup-Group A” 」「女孩子也能看懂的足球比賽:俄羅斯2018世界盃-A組」⚽🏟

In order to enjoy the competitions, I decided to join @blocktrades World Cup tournament, which is managed by @anomadsoul and @acidyo.

These are my picks for the group stage of the @blocktrades World Cup.
If you want to join the World Cup 2018, please click here :
Join the @blocktrades World Cup | 2,000 SBD in Prizes!

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The @blocktrades World Cup | My selections⚽⚽

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