Diamond Rain In The Forest - A Short Story Of Fantasy

(Image source: pexels.com)

This time I got two tracks to go with my story, this is for part 1

The little girl was wandering in the forest breathing heavily. She was tired of running for so long. The hunt was exhausting, she was running and running, her black boots would sink in the fresh snow. She even stumbled on some snow-covered rocks, but she didn't have time to bother, she had to get up and keep on running. She could feel that there was not enough air in her lungs, her heart was pounding like crazy, her white cheeks had turned red, just like her cape. A red cape dashing through a snowy forest and a huntsman going after it. She was an easy target. 

Sometime during this strenuous race her red cape got stuck in some bush branches. She was running out of time, the hunstman was getting closer. She could feel it. Then, there she saw it. A beautiful little deer was trapped in the same bushes that had caught her cape. She had to think and act quickly. She had to run for her life, but she could not leave this poor creature behind. It would freeze to death if the hunstman wouldn't find it and finish it with a bullet in the head. 

So she had an idea. She quickly took her cape off and tried to get it out of the branches. Then she tried to let the frightened deer out of the tangled bushes. 

Don't worry, I'm only trying to help you. She whispered and stroke its beautiful face and neck.

The little deer seemed to understand. It stood still until she finally removed the branches that blocked its way, then it started to move around to free itself. Once out of the bushes, the little girl did something she knew it was her only chance if she wanted to stay alive. Before saying goodbye to the animal she had just rescued, she put her red cape around its neck.

I know it's wrong, but it's the only way, my only chance and I want to take it. If you were in my shoes you'd do the same. I'm sorry.

The deer looked at her as if it could understand. With a gentle touch on its cheek, she let it go and whispered:

Run! You can do it better than me. Run and never look back. Run and lead him away from me. Run and I will do the same. 

There was no time for goodbyes, she could hear a horse approaching, the huntsman was near. The last thing she remembers is the deer running off, the red cape floating in the air and her stomach twisting. She was sweating, her hands had gone numb by the cold, but her heart had to work hard and pump all the blood to her legs. She needed all the strength she could get.

She started running again. She didn't want to think what could happen if the hunstman found her. She didn't want to think what would happen of the little frightened deer. And then she heard it, among the sounds of the snow crushing beneath her feet and the tree branches breaking in her path she heard a gunshot.

Noooo! She wanted to scream. Nooooo! What have I done? 

She could feel the tears running down her face, the salty droplets trying to freeze from the cold air but her blushed cheeks didn't let that happen. She could feel streams going down her face, she could feel them drawing cold lines on it. Like a whip punishing her for this atrocious deed.

And this one for part 2

She had lost track of time. She could not run any more. Exhausted she reached a glade. She exhaled heavily and raised her head to look around. It was a miracle! Millions of tiny diamonds were floating in the air, sparkling! She was in a dream. Maybe it wasn't the deer that was dead, maybe it was her and all this time she was running to get to heaven. And there she could see it, heaven was right in front of her. What if those frozen diamonds were all souls of the heavens, what if they were fairies of the winter. She didn't know. She was at a loss in front of this spectacular view! A broad smile had formed in her face and her eyes were open wide now.

As she was swirling under this rain of diamonds, she enjoyed the frozen crystals decorating her hair, her nose, her cheeks. Some got into her mouth, she felt them cold on her tongue. And suddenly there she saw it, a red cape among the trees in the distance. She stood still. The cape started getting closer, it was the little fellow she regrettably chose to sacrifice for her life. She saved this creature once in order to sacrifice it again to save her, how selfish. But for some reason she was lucky, she was blessed, she was not a murderer. 

The deer approached her and rubbed its nose in her palm. The girl untied the cape from its neck and put it around her shoulders. It was warm. The little deer kneeled next to her. It got her on its back and they were gone together, they got lost in a snowy forest where it rained diamonds!

(Image source: pexels.com)

And some science behind the story

This diamond rain is nothing more than a phenomenon called diamond dust. In really cold temperatures (below 0°C) water vapor in the air near the ground does not condense to form droplets, but turns instantly to ice. This happens when the cold air above the ground mixes with the warmer air that's a bit higher. In such conditions hexagonal ice crystals form, those crystals hover above the ground and offer a magnificent sight refracting and reflecting the sun's light. [source]

In places where winters are really cold you can view this beautiful phenomenon. Have you been from the lucky ones to ever see it with your own eyes? 

Here's a short demonstration of what it looks like:

Diamond dust (ice crystals) are the ones responsible for phenomena like halos and sun dogs, which I'll be explaining in a future post, so stay tuned! ;)

Thank you very much for being here and reading this, I really appreciate your support. I hope you like my writing and wait to read your views in the comments below.

Recent posts from @ruth-girl:

* Bizarre Natural Phenomena Vol.35 - A Bouquet For The Snow Queen (Frost Flowers)
*A Fairy Tale Fairytale - Forest Magic (Short Story Of Fantasy)
* Greek Steemian Of The Week #13 & Mini Steemeet In Thessaloniki
* The Nikola Tesla Exhibition - The Man Who Invented The Future
* Trolls Around The Solar System (Part 2 - Venus)

Until my next post,
Steem on and keep smiling, people!


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