Steemwars :: Underlord Negavader's Series of Bad Decisions

This is me, Underlord Negavader. Yes, it's a selfie. I had to attach my Ultradark Soulcatcher 4000 selfiecam to a stick at the end of my spear to get the proper angle. Thank goodness for duct tape.

...transmitting from...
Perfector Class War Vessel
Serial Number BYOB-9021-O
Stardate 180520.8
Location: In the cargo hold

...priority message...

I’m huddled in the cargo hold, intercepting messages sent on the space comm by my boss. I’m inserting my own into the feed right now as a warning to any that might receive it.

I don’t know if this message will reach anyone, but I have no options left.

I’ve made a bad decision. A very bad decision.

I’ve joined a cause I no longer believe in. Truth be told, I don’t mind the cause. It’s the person I’m following that makes my space undies bunch up. My boss.

Future Galacdictator Tangle.

Galacdorktater is more like it.

If you’ve heard her call for minions to assist on her mission to take over the universe or some such nonsense, I suggest you find a better use for your time. Flip burgers. Knit a sweater. Eat a pierogie.

For me, it’s already too late. I’m on board her ship bound for some unknown destination. I can’t back out now. I signed some very important-looking documents attesting to my willingness to be her minion.

It’s too late for me, but you can avoid my fate.

My only hope is that I might be able to usurp her power in some way. To steer her off the path that might put her in power, and thus leave me forever a minion. But I have to be surreptitious. I can’t blatantly go against what I agreed to in my contract.

I do still want to get paid, after all.

I am Underlord Negavader. I would very much like to be Overlord Negavader. Because Underlord sounds too much like a brand of manly undergarments.

Kind of claustrophobic in this helmet, and I can't see crap, but my breathing sounds awesome.

heavy breathing ensues

...end priority message...


STEEM Wars is the brainchild of @gmuxx. It is a community creativity parody project with a sci-fi basis. Read more in the following links:

Steem Wars: A Parody Too Far

Steem Wars: Crews Assemble!

The above blurb is unabashedly stolen from my fearless leader @tanglebranch's original post. She's so busy preening she's not likely to notice. Her other minion, Sixty-Wine, (@caleblailmusik) is likely busy helping her put on her fancy lingerie.

Images from Wikia

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