SteemWatch 0.2.0 is here!

After introducing SteemWatch about a week ago, I have been very busy fixing immediate issues, but also implementing some new features. And SteemWatch 0.2.0 is the result.

Release Notes

All the details can be found in the release notes, but let me mention notable changes just quickly.

SteemWatch Status

You can visit to see what the status of SteemWatch is. But the most handy thing is that it is sending emails to me when any check is failing. Otherwise it is just yet another fancy page made with my Bootstrap-fu :-)

New Event Kind: @-mention

You can be notified now when someone @-mentions specified account name in a story or a comment. Just visit the Events page in SteemWatch and look for the relevant section.

Side Story - Package blockfetcher

I also implemented a package called blockfetcher for people that wish to write their own block processing logic. This package just takes care of some boring boilerplate so that you can get up and running quickly.

Support SteemWatch

Let me also reach out to you people interested in SteemWatch. I am working on the service more than 2 full days a week, so obviously any reward given to this or any previous #steemwatch story is used to fund further development. The feedback from users has been great so far and I am hoping to keep improving SteemWatch as I have time. I am already working on new features and in case you are missing anything, feel free to open an issue, let me know on Slack or @-mention me anywhere.

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